Version 2.79

Part Description

LP185870-5   dRVVT with 1:1 Pooled Normal Plasma
Dilute Russell viper venom time (dRVVT) is one of the tests used to detect the presence of lupus anticoagulants (LA), which are autoantibodies associated with excess clot formation, excess bleeding, and repeated miscarriages. The coagulant in the venom directly activates factor X, which turns prothrombin into thrombin in the presence of factor V and phospholipid. If phospholipid antibodies are present, this reaction will be inhibited, which will prolong the screening dRVVT and suggests the presence of LA. A positive screening dRVVT result may be followed by a dRVVT mixing study using pooled normal plasma (PNP) from healthy donors as a source of coagulation factors. If the dRVVT normalizes in the mixing study, a clotting factor deficiency is presumed to be the cause of the clotting abnormality. PMID: 19624461 Source: Regenstrief LOINC , PMID: 19624461

Fully-Specified Name

DRVVT with 1:1 Pooled Normal Plasma actual/Normal

Additional Names

Long Common Name
dRVVT with 1:1 PNP actual/normal (normalized LA mix)
Short Name
Mixing dRVVT/normal
Display Name
dRVVT w 1:1 PNP actual/normal Coag (PPP) [Relative time]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
dRVVT W 1:1 PNP actual/normal, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.50
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Formula (Readable)

formula = (screen-confirm)/screen x100 where screen is the low base line low phospholipid test and the confirm is the excess phofpholip est- reported a % change. PROPERTY =TPCTDIFF ( search for percent change for a model iin RELMA)

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
75515-7 Lupus anticoagulant aPTT and dRVVT screening panel W Reflex
75881-3 Lupus anticoagulant aPTT, dRVVT and PT screening panel W Reflex

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) dRVVT με δεξαμενοποιημένο φυσιολογικό πλάσμα 1:1 πραγματικό/φυσιολογικό:RelTime:Pt:PPP:Qn:Coag
Synonyms: dRVVT με δεξαμενοποιημένο φυσιολογικό πλάσμα 1:1 RelTime Πλάσμα
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Tiempo de veneno de víbora Russel diluido 1:1 con mezcla de plasma normal actual/normal:Tiempo relativo:Punto temporal:Plasma pobre en plaquetas:Qn:Coagulativo
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) DRVVT con plasma normal agrupado 1:1 real / normal:Tiempo relativo:Punto temporal:Plasma pobre en plaquetas:Cuantitativo
fr-CA French (Canada) dRWT dilué 1:1 Pool plasma normal, Mesuré/normal:Temps relatif:Temps ponctuel:Plasma pauvre en plaquettes:Quantitatif:Test de coagulation
fr-FR French (France) Temps de venin vipère Russell dilué+pool plasma normal Patient/témoin:Temps relatif:Ponctuel:Plasma pauvre en plaquettes:Numérique:Coagulation
it-IT Italian (Italy) drVVT con 1:1 pool di plasma normale effettivo/normale:RelTime:Pt:PPP:Qn:Coag
Synonyms: Plasma povero di piastrine Punto nel tempo (episodio) Studio di coagulazione Tempo di veleno diluito di vipera Russell con 1:1 Tempo Relativo Test di coagulazione
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) dRVVT met 1:1 Pooled Normal Plasma gemeten/normaal:relatieve tijd:moment:plaatjesarm plasma:kwantitatief:stollingsmethode
Synonyms: coagulatiemethode gemeten/normaal
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) 1:1 normal plazma havuzu ile dRVVT gerçek/normal:GörZmn:Zmlı:TFkP:Kant:Koag
zh-CN Chinese (China) dRVVT 且采用 1:1 混合正常血浆 实际的/正常的:相对时间:时间点:贫血小板血浆:定量型:凝血功能分析
Synonyms: Ⅰ dRVVT(稀释蝰蛇毒时间、稀释拉塞尔蛇毒时间、稀释斯提普文时间) 且采用 1:1 混合正常血浆;dRVVT 且采用 1:1 汇集正常血浆;dRVVT 且采用 1:1 储集正常血浆;稀释蝰蛇毒时间;稀释拉塞尔蛇毒时间;稀释斯提普文时间;Dilute Russell Viper Venom Time;dRVVT I 乏血小板血浆;Platelet poor plasma;PPP 倾斜试管;倾斜试管法;凝固测定;凝血功能测定;凝血测定;快速凝固试验;快速凝血试验;快速凝集试验 凝血功能;凝血功能试验;凝血过程;血液凝固;血液凝固功能;血液凝固过程 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 实测值 实测值/正常值;实际/正常;实际值/正常值;实际测定值/正常值 实测的 实际值 对照 对照标准 对照物 对照的 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 正常的 血液制品 - 血浆

Example Units

Unit Source
% Example UCUM Units

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