SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 related LOINC terms

This page contains LOINC terms that are related to SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19. We are providing this page as a single source for all SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 LOINC content. Note that the contents will be updated as new terms are created and pre-released, so check back frequently for the latest contents.

This page contains both published and pre-release terms.
- Published terms have the code highlighted in blue and contain the version in which the term was first published in the Version column;
- Pre-release terms have the code highlighted in yellow, and the Version column is empty.

Some of the terms, such as the lab terms, are specific to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, and some, such as the telehealth document codes, are related to the current pandemic but can also be used in different contexts. These terms will help support the HHS COVID-19 Pandemic Response, Laboratory Data Reporting: CARES Act Section 18115 requirements.

All terms were created based on requests from LOINC users. We have been working closely with APHL, CDC, FDA, labs, IVD manufacturers, and other stakeholders on the codes specifically related to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. To obtain the current list of LOINC mappings to SARS-CoV-2 IVD assays approved for FDA EUA, you can download the LIVD file posted on the CDC website.

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Important notice regarding pre-release content

Pre-release terms are those which have not yet been published in a public release. They are also available on the LOINC pre-release page. Once they are published, they will no longer be on the pre-release page, but will still be included on this page with the appropriate Version value.

If you need to include a version when you are using one of the pre-release codes, we recommend using the following: {Version of the upcoming LOINC release}-pre. For example, the June 2021 LOINC release will be release 2.70. The version of pre-release codes published between the 2.69 release in December 2020 and 2.70 is 2.70-pre.

These SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 codes are based on the most up to date information available at the time of their creation and they have undergone the normal QA terminology process. LOINC supports their use in the unique situation that resulted in their rapid creation.

Be aware that downstream users may not be ready to handle prerelease codes until they are published in an official release.

SARS CoV 2 lab tests

SARS CoV 2 lab tests
VersionFirstReleased LOINC_NUM Long Common Name Component Property Time_Aspct System Scale_Typ Method_Typ Class ClassType Shortname External_Copyright_Notice Status VersionLastChanged
2.69 96094-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and SARS-related CoV RNA panel - Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 & SARS-related coronavirus RNA panel - Pt Respiratory System Specimen - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2+SARSr-CoV pnl Resp NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94762-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94761-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG Ab [Presence] in DBS by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG PrThr Pt Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG DBS Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94720-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgA Ab [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgA ACnc Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgA SerPl IA-aCnc ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96603-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S protein RBD neutralizing antibody [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by sVNT SARS coronavirus 2 spike protein RBD Ab.neut PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord sVNT MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S RBD NAb SerPl Ql sVNT ACTIVE 2.72
2.68 94760-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Nasopharynx by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Nph Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Nph Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94759-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Nasopharynx by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Nph Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Nph Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95427-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgA Ab [Titer] in Serum or Plasma by Immunofluorescence SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgA Titr Pt Ser/Plas SemiQn IF MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgA Titr SerPl IF ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94643-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Ct Spec Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94642-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene ThreshNum Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Ct Resp Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94641-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94640-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 95209-3 SARS-CoV+SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus+SARS coronavirus 2 Ag PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV+SARS-CoV-2 Ag Resp Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.75
2.69 95425-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.70 96797-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Oropharyngeal wash by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Oropharyngeal wash Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA OPA wash Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94647-5 SARS-related coronavirus RNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus RNA PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARSr-CoV RNA Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95974-2 SARS-CoV-2 stimulated gamma interferon panel - Blood SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon panel - Pt Bld - PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IFN-g Pnl Bld ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95973-4 SARS-CoV-2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells [Units/volume] in Blood SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells ACnc Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IFN-g T cells Bld-aCnc ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95825-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab [Presence] in DBS by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab PrThr Pt Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab DBS Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 95406-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Nose by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Nose Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Nose Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95826-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA panel - Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA panel - Pt Saliva - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Pnl Sal NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94819-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Log #/volume] (viral load) in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA LnCnc Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Spec NAA+probe-Log# ACTIVE 2.69
2.70 96829-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Specimen from Donor by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt XXX^Donor Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Spec Donr Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96958-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N2 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N2 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Sal Ql NAA N2 ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94768-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgA Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgA PrThr Pt Ser/Plas/Bld Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgA SerPlBld Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94767-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene SerPl Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94763-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) [Presence] in Specimen by Organism specific culture SARS coronavirus 2 PrThr Pt XXX Ord Organism specific culture MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Spec Ql Cult ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94756-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N1 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N1 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Resp Ql NAA N1 ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94660-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA SerPl Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94639-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95972-6 SARS-CoV-2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells [Units/volume] corrected for background in Blood SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells^^corrected for background ACnc Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 SARS CoV-2 IFN-g Tcel bkgrd cor Bld-aCnc ACTIVE 2.72
2.69 95971-8 SARS-CoV-2 stimulated gamma interferon [Presence] in Blood SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon PrThr Pt Bld Ord MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IFN-g Bld Ql ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95970-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) specific TCRB gene rearrangements [Presence] in Blood by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 specific TCRB gene rearrangements PrThr Pt Bld Ord Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 TCRB Bld Ql Seq ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96122-7 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene Upper resp Ql NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.77
2.69 95521-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [#/volume] (viral load) in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene NCnc Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene # Resp NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 95411-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) neutralizing antibody [Presence] in Serum by pVNT SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.neut PrThr Pt Ser Ord pVNT MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 NAb Ser Ql pVNT ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96119-3 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ag PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ag Upper resp Ql IA ACTIVE 2.77
2.69 96118-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab panel - DBS by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab panel - Pt - IA PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab Pnl DBS IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95609-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 S gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Resp Ql Seq ACTIVE 2.75
2.70 97104-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Units/volume] (viral load) in Upper respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region ACnc Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab U resp NAA+probe-aCnc ACTIVE 2.77
2.69 95824-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95823-1 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 95416-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgM Ab [Presence] in DBS by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgM PrThr Pt Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgM DBS Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95542-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab PrThr Pt Ser/Plas/Bld Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab SerPlBld Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95423-0 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) identified in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus 2 Prid Pt Respiratory System Specimen Nom Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 FLUABV + SARS-CoV-2 Resp NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.79
2.69 95380-2 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and SARS-related CoV RNA panel - Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus 2 & SARS-related coronavirus RNA panel - Pt Respiratory System Specimen - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 FluAB+SARS-CoV-2+SARSr-CoV Resp NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.75
2.70 96898-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Oropharyngeal wash by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene ThreshNum Pt Oropharyngeal wash Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Ct OPA wash Qn NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96899-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Cycle Threshold #] in Oropharyngeal wash by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region ThreshNum Pt Oropharyngeal wash Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Ct OPA wash Qn NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96900-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Oropharyngeal wash by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene ThreshNum Pt Oropharyngeal wash Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Ct OPA wash Qn NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96986-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Nose by NAA with non-probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Nose Ord Non-probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Nose Ql NAA+non-probe ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96957-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) M gene [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 M gene PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 M gene Upper resp Ql NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.77
2.68 94769-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab ACnc Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab SerPl IA-aCnc ACTIVE 2.71
2.68 94766-3 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene SerPl Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94765-5 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene SerPl Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94764-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) whole genome [Nucleotide sequence] in Isolate or Specimen by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 whole genome Seq Pt Isolate/Specimen Nom Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 genome Islt/Spm-Seq ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94845-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94661-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab [Interpretation] in Serum or Plasma SARS coronavirus 2 Ab Imp Pt Ser/Plas Nom MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab SerPl-Imp ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94646-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene ThreshNum Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Ct Resp Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94645-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Ct Spec Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94508-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgM Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgM PrThr Pt Ser/Plas/Bld Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgM SerPlBld Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94306-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA panel - Pt XXX - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Pnl Spec NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.73 100345-8 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus 2 RNA panel - Pt XXX - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 FLUABV+SARS-CoV-2 RNA Pnl Spec NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.73
2.70 96897-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA panel - Oropharyngeal wash by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA panel - Pt Oropharyngeal wash - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Pnl OPA wash NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95942-9 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV+SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag panel - Upper respiratory specimen by Rapid immunoassay Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus+SARS coronavirus 2 Ag panel - Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper - IA.rapid PANEL.MICRO 1 FLUABV+SARS-CoV Ag Pnl Up resp IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.77
2.69 95941-1 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Respiratory syncytial virus RNA panel - Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus 2 & Respiratory syncytial virus RNA panel - Pt Respiratory System Specimen - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 FLUABV+SARS-CoV-2+RSV Pnl Resp NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.77
2.77 103557-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Mpro gene mutation detected [Identifier] in Specimen by Molecular genetics method Nominal SARS coronavirus 2 Mpro gene mutation detected Prid Pt XXX Nom Molgen MOLPATH.MUT 1 SARS-CoV-2 Mpro gene mut Spec ACTIVE 2.77
2.69 96123-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Upper resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.77
2.69 96121-9 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Presence] in Lower respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.lower Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene Low resp Ql NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.77
2.68 95410-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) neutralizing antibody [Titer] in Serum by pVNT SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.neut Titr Pt Ser SemiQn pVNT MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 NAb Titr Ser pVNT ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 95409-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Nose by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Nose Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Nose Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96120-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Presence] in Lower respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.lower Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Lower resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.77
2.68 95125-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgA+IgM [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgA+IgM PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgA+IgM SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.70 96755-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) variant interpretation in Specimen Narrative SARS coronavirus 2 variant interpretation Imp Pt XXX Nar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 variant Imp Spec ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96894-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) sequencing and identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method SARS coronavirus 2 sequencing & identification panel - Pt XXX - Molgen PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Seq and ID Pnl Spec ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96895-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) lineage [Identifier] in Specimen by Molecular genetics method SARS coronavirus 2 lineage Prid Pt XXX Nom Molgen MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage Spec ACTIVE 2.72
2.70 96896-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) clade [Type] in Specimen by Molecular genetics method SARS coronavirus 2 clade Type Pt XXX Nom Molgen MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 clade Spec ACTIVE 2.72
2.70 96741-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) variant [Type] in Specimen by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 variant Type Pt XXX Nom Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 variant Spec Seq ACTIVE 2.77
2.70 97097-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ag PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ag Upper resp Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.77
2.70 97098-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Nsp2 gene [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 Nsp2 gene PrThr Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Nsp2 Upper resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.77
2.70 97099-6 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag panel - Upper respiratory specimen by Rapid immunoassay Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus 2 Ag panel - Pt Respiratory system specimen.upper - IA.rapid PANEL.MICRO 1 FLUABV+SARS-CoV2 Ag Pnl Up resp IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.77
2.70 96742-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG Ab [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG MCnc Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG SerPl IA-mCnc ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 96448-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N1 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N1 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Sal Ql NAA N1 ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95424-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Resp Ql Seq ACTIVE 2.75
2.69 95422-2 Influenza virus A and B and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA panel - Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection Influenza virus A & Influenza virus B & SARS coronavirus 2 RNA panel - Pt Respiratory System Specimen - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 FLUABV + SARS-CoV-2 Pnl Resp NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.75
2.69 95429-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG Ab [Titer] in Serum or Plasma by Immunofluorescence SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG Titr Pt Ser/Plas SemiQn IF MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG Titr SerPl IF ACTIVE 2.75
2.69 96091-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94644-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Cycle Threshold #] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region ThreshNum Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Ct Resp Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.72 99771-8 SARS coronavirus 2 spike and nucleocapsid protein stimulated gamma interferon panel - Blood SARS coronavirus 2 spike & nucleocapsid protein stimulated gamma interferon panel - Pt Bld - PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IGRA Spk+Nuclcp Pnl Bld ACTIVE 2.72
2.68 94531-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA panel - Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA panel - Pt Respiratory System Specimen - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Pnl Resp NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.76
2.68 94511-3 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Ct Spec Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94316-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94315-9 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94314-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94313-4 SARS-related coronavirus N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N3 SARS-related coronavirus N gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N3 MICRO 1 SARS-related CoV N Ct Spec Qn NAA N3 ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94312-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N2 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N2 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Ct Spec Qn NAA N2 ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94311-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N1 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N1 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Ct Spec Qn NAA N1 ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94310-0 SARS-related coronavirus N gene [Presence] in Specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N3 SARS-related coronavirus N gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N3 MICRO 1 SARS-related CoV N Spec Ql NAA N3 ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94308-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N2 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N2 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Spec Ql NAA N2 ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94307-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N1 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N1 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Spec Ql NAA N1 ACTIVE 2.69
2.70 96751-3 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene mutation detected [Identifier] in Specimen by Molecular genetics method SARS coronavirus 2 S gene mutation detected Prid Pt XXX Nom Molgen MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene mut Spec ACTIVE 2.74
2.70 96752-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene mutation [Presence] in Specimen by Molecular genetics method SARS coronavirus 2 S gene mutation PrThr Pt XXX Ord Molgen MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene mut Spec Ql ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96763-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) E gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 E gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 E gene Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.70 96764-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) E gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 E gene ThreshNum Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 E gene Ct Resp Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.70 96765-3 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S gene [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 S gene PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S gene Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95608-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with non-probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Non-probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Resp Ql NAA+non-probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.72 98733-9 Percent neutralization by SARS coronavirus 2 spike protein RBD neutralizing antibody in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay Percent neutralization by SARS coronavirus 2 spike protein RBD Ab.neut AFr Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S RBD NAb SerPl IA-% ACTIVE 2.72
2.69 95428-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgM Ab [Titer] in Serum or Plasma by Immunofluorescence SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgM Titr Pt Ser/Plas SemiQn IF MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgM Titr SerPl IF ACTIVE 2.75
2.72 98846-9 SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by Helper (CD4+) T-cells [Units/volume] corrected for background in Blood by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by Helper (CD4+) T-cells^^corrected for background ACnc Pt Bld Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IFN-g CD4 cells Bld IA ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98847-7 SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by lymphocytes [Units/volume] corrected for background in Blood by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by lymphocytes^^corrected for background ACnc Pt Bld Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IFN-g Lymphs Bld IA ACTIVE 2.72
2.71 98080-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and SARS-related CoV RNA panel - Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 & SARS-related coronavirus RNA panel - Pt Saliva - Probe.amp.tar PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2+SARSr-CoV RNA pnl Sal NAA+prb ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98131-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1b region [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1b region PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1b Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.71 98132-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1a region [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1a region PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1a Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.71 98493-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1b region [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1b region PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1b Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.72
2.71 98494-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1a region [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1a region PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1a Sal Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99314-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene mutation detected [Identifier] in Specimen by Molecular genetics method SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene mutation detected Prid Pt XXX Nom Molgen MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp mut Spec ACTIVE 2.72
2.70 98062-3 Sequencing study identifier Sequencing study identifier ID Pt Specimen Nom MICRO 1 Sequencing study ID ACTIVE 2.72
2.68 94822-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Saliva Ord Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Sal Ql Seq ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94758-0 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94757-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N2 SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar.CDC primer-probe set N2 MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Resp Ql NAA N2 ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94746-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Ct Spec Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94745-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Cycle Threshold #] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA ThreshNum Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Ct Resp Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.73 100862-2 Cells.CD4.Interferon gamma-expressing/CD4 cells in Blood --after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid peptide Cells.CD4.Interferon gamma-expressing/Cells.CD4^after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid peptide NFr Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 CD4 IFNg/CD4 p COVID NuclCap TRIAL 2.73
2.72 99772-6 SARS-CoV-2 stimulated gamma interferon [Interpretation] in Blood Qualitative SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon Imp Pt Bld Ord MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IFN-g Bld-Imp ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99773-4 SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells.Spike Ag spot count [#] corrected for background in Blood SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells.Spike Ag spot count^^corrected for background Num Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 SARSCoV2 IGRA Spike Ct bckgrd cor Bld ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99774-2 SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells.Nucleocapsid Ag spot count [#] corrected for background in Blood SARS coronavirus 2 stimulated gamma interferon release by T-cells.Nucleocapsid Ag spot count^^corrected for background Num Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 SARSCoV2 IGRA Nucpsid Ct bckgrd cor Bld ACTIVE 2.72
2.68 94565-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Nasopharynx by NAA with non-probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Nph Ord Non-probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Nph Ql NAA+non-probe ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94564-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgM Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgM PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgM SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94563-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94562-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgA Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgA PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgA SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94559-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.78
2.68 94558-4 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ag PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ag Resp Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94547-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG+IgM Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG+IgM PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG+IgM SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94534-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RdRp gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RdRp Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94533-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94532-9 SARS-related coronavirus+MERS coronavirus RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus+MERS coronavirus RNA PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV+MERS RNA Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94510-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Ct Spec Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94509-7 SARS-related coronavirus E gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus E gene ThreshNum Pt XXX Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV E gene Ct Spec Qn NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94507-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG PrThr Pt Ser/Plas/Bld Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG SerPlBld Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94506-3 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgM Ab [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgM ACnc Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgM SerPl IA-aCnc ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94505-5 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG Ab [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG ACnc Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 IgG SerPl IA-aCnc ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94504-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab panel - Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab panel - Pt Ser/Plas - IA PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab Pnl SerPl IA ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94503-0 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab panel - Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab panel - Pt Ser/Plas/Bld - IA.rapid PANEL.MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab Pnl SerPlBld IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94502-2 SARS-related coronavirus RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS-related coronavirus RNA PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-rel CoV RNA Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.68 94309-2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt XXX Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Spec Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.73
2.73 100342-5 Volatile Organic Compounds associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection [Presence] in Exhaled gas by Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Volatile Organic Compounds associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection PrThr Pt Exhl gas Ord GC-MS MICRO 1 VOCs (volatiles) SARS-CoV-2 ExG Ql GC-MS ACTIVE 2.73
2.69 95522-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Log #/volume] (viral load) in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 N gene LnCnc Pt Respiratory System Specimen Qn Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N gene Resp NAA+probe-Log# ACTIVE 2.75
2.70 96766-1 GISAID sequence accession number GISAID sequence accession number ID Pt Isolate Nom MICRO 1 GISAID seq accession ID ACTIVE 2.70
2.72 100156-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) variant [Type] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 variant Type Pt XXX Nom Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 variant Spec NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99596-9 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N protein IgG Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 nucleocapsid protein Ab.IgG PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 N IgG SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99597-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S protein IgG Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 spike protein Ab.IgG PrThr Pt Ser/Plas Ord IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S IgG SerPl Ql IA ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 100157-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) lineage [Type] in Specimen by Sequencing SARS coronavirus 2 lineage Type Pt XXX Nom Sequencing MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage Spec Seq ACTIVE 2.72
2.73 100858-0 Cells.CD4+CD154+/CD4 cells in Blood --after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Spike peptide Cells.CD4+CD154+/Cells.CD4^after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Spike peptide NFr Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 CD4+154/CD4 stim COVID Spike TRIAL 2.73
2.72 98732-1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S protein RBD neutralizing antibody [Titer] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 spike protein RBD Ab.neut Titr Pt Ser/Plas SemiQn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S RBD NAb Titr SerPl IA ACTIVE 2.75
2.73 100859-8 Cells.CD4.Interferon gamma-expressing/CD4 cells in Blood --after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Spike peptide Cells.CD4.Interferon gamma-expressing/Cells.CD4^after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Spike peptide NFr Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 CD4 IFNg/CD4 p Stim COVID Sp TRIAL 2.73
2.73 100860-6 Cells.CD4.Tumor necrosis factor alfa-expressing/CD4 cells in Blood --after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Spike peptide Cells.CD4.Tumor necrosis factor alfa-expressing/Cells.CD4^after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Spike peptide NFr Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 CD4 TNFa/CD4 p Stim COVID Sp TRIAL 2.73
2.73 100861-4 Cells.CD4+CD154+/CD4 cells in Blood --after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid peptide Cells.CD4+CD154+/Cells.CD4^after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid peptide NFr Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 CD4+154/CD4 p COVID NuclCap TRIAL 2.73
2.68 94500-6 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection SARS coronavirus 2 RNA PrThr Pt Respiratory System Specimen Ord Probe.amp.tar MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Resp Ql NAA+probe ACTIVE 2.75
2.73 100863-0 Cells.CD4.Tumor necrosis factor alfa-expressing/CD4 cells in Blood --after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid peptide Cells.CD4.Tumor necrosis factor alfa-expressing/Cells.CD4^after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid peptide NFr Pt Bld Qn MICRO 1 CD4 TNFa/CD4 p COVID NuclCap TRIAL 2.73
2.72 98734-7 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S protein RBD neutralizing antibody [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 spike protein RBD Ab.neut ACnc Pt Ser/Plas Qn IA MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 S RBD NAb SerPl IA-aCnc ACTIVE 2.72
2.71 98069-8 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ab [Presence] in Saliva (oral fluid) by Rapid immunoassay SARS coronavirus 2 Ab PrThr Pt Saliva Ord IA.rapid MICRO 1 SARS-CoV-2 Ab Sal Ql IA.rapid ACTIVE 2.72

LOINC terms for SARS-CoV-2 AOE questions

LOINC terms for SARS-CoV-2 AOE questions
VersionFirstReleased LOINC_NUM Long Common Name Component Property Time_Aspct System Scale_Typ Method_Typ Class ClassType Shortname External_Copyright_Notice Status VersionLastChanged
2.36 65222-2 Date and time of symptom onset Symptom onset TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.PX 2 Date+time symptom onset ACTIVE 2.72
2.04 30525-0 Age Age Time Pt ^Patient Qn MISC 1 Age ACTIVE 2.73
2.69 95417-2 Whether this is the patient's first test for condition of interest First test for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 First test for condition of interest ACTIVE 2.71
2.69 95418-0 Whether patient is employed in a healthcare setting Employed in a healthcare setting Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Employed in healthcare setting ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95419-8 Whether the patient has symptoms related to condition of interest Has symptoms related to condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Has symptoms for condition ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95420-6 Whether the patient was admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) for condition of interest Admitted to intensive care unit for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Admitted to ICU for condition ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95421-4 Whether patient resides in a congregate care setting Resides in a congregate care setting Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Resides in a congregate care setting ACTIVE 2.69
2.52 77974-4 Whether the patient was hospitalized for condition of interest Hospitalized for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Hospitalized for condition ACTIVE 2.69
2.58 82810-3 Pregnancy status Pregnancy status Find Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Pregnancy status ACTIVE 2.73
2.69 96553-3 Date of subsequent report to public health department Date of subsequent report to public health department Date Pt ^Patient Qn PUBLICHEALTH 2 Subseq rpt date to PHD ACTIVE 2.69
2.70 97155-6 SARS coronavirus 2 (COVID-19) immunization status SARS coronavirus 2 immunization status Hx Pt ^Patient Nom VACCIN 2 SARS-CoV-2 immunization status ACTIVE 2.70

Convalescent plasma

Convalescent plasma
VersionFirstReleased LOINC_NUM Long Common Name Component Property Time_Aspct System Scale_Typ Method_Typ Class ClassType Shortname External_Copyright_Notice Status VersionLastChanged
2.68 95355-4 Convalescent plasma given [Volume] Convalescent plasma given Vol Pt ^Patient Qn BLDBK 1 Convl plasma Gvn Vol ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95354-7 Transfuse convalescent plasma [Volume] Transfuse convalescent plasma Vol Pt ^Patient Qn BLDBK 1 Trans Convl Plasma Vol ACTIVE 2.68

LOINC terms related to public health case reporting

LOINC terms related to public health case reporting
VersionFirstReleased LOINC_NUM Long Common Name Component Property Time_Aspct System Scale_Typ Method_Typ Class ClassType Shortname External_Copyright_Notice Status VersionLastChanged
2.36 65222-2 Date and time of symptom onset Symptom onset TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.PX 2 Date+time symptom onset ACTIVE 2.72
2.68 94658-2 City of known exposure City of known exposure Loc Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 City of exposure ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95386-9 Date and time of most recent contact with confirmed case Date and time of most recent contact with confirmed case Date Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.PX 2 D/T most recent contact w case ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96553-3 Date of subsequent report to public health department Date of subsequent report to public health department Date Pt ^Patient Qn PUBLICHEALTH 2 Subseq rpt date to PHD ACTIVE 2.69
2.04 30525-0 Age Age Time Pt ^Patient Qn MISC 1 Age ACTIVE 2.73
2.52 77974-4 Whether the patient was hospitalized for condition of interest Hospitalized for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Hospitalized for condition ACTIVE 2.69
2.58 82810-3 Pregnancy status Pregnancy status Find Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Pregnancy status ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94655-8 Identifier and Assigning authority panel Identifier & Assigning authority panel - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.ADMIN 2 ID & Authority panel ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94659-0 Case identifier Case identifier ID Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN 2 Case ID ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95382-8 Date and time of symptom resolution Date and time of symptom resolution TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn CLIN 2 D/T symptom resolution ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95383-6 Symptom resolution status Symptom resolution status Find Pt ^Patient Ord CLIN 2 Symptom res status ACTIVE 2.68
2.69 96551-7 Number of contacts followed for contact tracing Number of contacts followed for contact tracing Num Pt ^Patient Qn PUBLICHEALTH 2 # contacts for contact tracing ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96552-5 Result of most recent lab test for condition of interest Result of most recent lab test for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Nom PUBLICHEALTH 2 Result latest lab test for cond of int ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95418-0 Whether patient is employed in a healthcare setting Employed in a healthcare setting Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Employed in healthcare setting ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 95420-6 Whether the patient was admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) for condition of interest Admitted to intensive care unit for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Admitted to ICU for condition ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 94648-3 Date contact confirmed as a case Date of case confirmation Date Pt ^Contact Qn PUBLICHEALTH 2 Date contact confirmed as case ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94649-1 Health department identifier Health department ID Pt Organization Nom ADMIN.FACILITY 2 Health dept ID ACTIVE 2.68
2.69 96550-9 Date of most recent lab test for condition of interest Date of most recent lab test for condition of interest Date Pt ^Patient Qn PUBLICHEALTH 2 Date latest lab test for cond of int ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96549-1 Date and time of infection control isolation Date and time of infection control isolation TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn PUBLICHEALTH 2 D/T infection cont isolation ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96548-3 Whether the patient was isolated per Infection Prevention and Control guidelines Isolated per Infection Prevention and Control guidelines Find Pt ^Patient Ord PUBLICHEALTH 2 Isolated per IPC guidelines ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96547-5 Province, state, or region where diagnosed Province, state, or region where diagnosed Loc Pt ^Patient Nom PUBLICHEALTH 2 Province, state or region where dx ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96546-7 Country where diagnosed Country where diagnosed Loc Pt ^Patient Nom PUBLICHEALTH 2 Country where dx ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96545-9 Date and time of first contact with confirmed case Date and time of first contact with confirmed case TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 D/T first contact w case ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96544-2 Contact with confirmed case in 14 days prior to symptom onset Contact with confirmed case in 14 days prior to symptom onset Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Cont w conf case 14D prior to symp ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96543-4 Visited healthcare facility in 14 days prior to symptom onset Visited healthcare facility in 14 days prior to symptom onset Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Visit healthcare fac 14D prior to symp ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96542-6 Travel in 14 days prior to symptom onset Travel in 14 days prior to symptom onset Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Travel 14D prior to symp ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96541-8 Patient is within 6 weeks postpartum Patient is within 6 weeks postpartum Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Within 6 wks postpartum ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96540-0 Whether the patient received ECMO for condition of interest Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 ECMO for condition ACTIVE 2.69
2.69 96539-2 Is the patient on mechanical ventilation for condition of interest Mechanical ventilation for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Mech vent for condition ACTIVE 2.77
2.68 95377-8 Disability type Disability Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Disability ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95376-0 Type of animal exposed to Type of animal exposed to Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Type of animal exposed to ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95375-2 Contact was with U.S. or international case Contact was with U.S. or international case Find Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Contact w/U.S. case ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95374-5 Critical infrastructure workplace setting Critical infrastructure workplace setting Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Crit infrastructure workplace type ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95373-7 Workplace is a part of critical infrastructure Workplace is a part of critical infrastructure Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Workplace part of crit infrastructure ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95372-9 Workplace setting Workplace setting Type Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.DEMOG 2 Workplace ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95371-1 Enrolled in a tribe Enrolled in a tribe Find Pt ^Patient Ord ADMIN.DEMOG 2 Enrolled tribe ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95370-3 Tribal affiliation Tribal affiliation Type Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.DEMOG 2 Tribal affiliation ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95369-5 Affiliated with a tribe Affiliated with a tribe Find Pt ^Patient Ord ADMIN.DEMOG 2 Affiliated with tribe ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95368-7 Intensive care unit (ICU) discharge date Intensive care unit discharge date Date Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 ICU discharge date ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 95367-9 Intensive care unit (ICU) admission date Intensive care unit admission date Date Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 ICU admission date ACTIVE 2.69
2.68 95366-1 Date of first positive specimen collection Date of first positive specimen collection Date Pt ^Patient Qn SPEC 1 Dt of 1st pos specimen collection ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95365-3 Criteria used for case classification Criteria used for case classification Find Pt ^Patient Nom PUBLICHEALTH 2 Criteria for case classification ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 95364-6 Personnel Organization Organization ID Pt Personnel Nom ADMIN 2 Personnel ACTIVE 2.68
2.52 77998-3 Age at time of case investigation Age at time of case investigation Time Pt ^Patient Qn SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.52
2.52 77996-7 Pregnancy status at time of illness or condition Pregnancy status at time of illness or condition Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Preg stat at illness cond ACTIVE 2.52
2.52 77990-0 Case class status [CDC.PHIN] Case class status Type Pt ^Event Nom CDC.PHIN SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.52
2.52 77966-0 Reporting state Reporting state Loc Pt ^Event Nom SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94546-9 Relationship to individual with confirmed or suspected illness Relationship to individual with confirmed or suspected illness Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Rel to ind w conf/susp ill ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94545-1 Household contacts [#] Household contacts Num Pt ^Patient Qn ADMIN 2 Household contacts ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94544-4 Exposure source in 30 days prior to onset of illness Exposure source in 30D prior to onset of illness Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Exp source 30D prior onset ACTIVE 2.68
2.58 82764-2 Country of travel outside the U.S. [Location] 2 years Country of travel outside the U.S. Loc 2Y ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Trav country outside U.S. 2Y ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 82754-3 State of travel State of travel Loc Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 St of travel ACTIVE 2.58
2.52 77999-1 Case notification comment Case notification comment Imp Pt ^Event Nom SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.52
2.52 77997-5 Legacy case identifier [CDC.PHIN] Legacy case identifier ID Pt ^Event Nom CDC.PHIN SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.52
2.52 77994-2 Date of first report to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC.PHIN] Date of first report to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention TmStp Pt ^Event Qn CDC.PHIN SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.52
2.52 77978-5 Patient died from illness of interest Patient died from illness of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Pt died from illness ACTIVE 2.54
2.52 77968-6 National reporting jurisdiction National reporting jurisdiction Loc Pt ^Event Nom SURVEY.CDC 4 ACTIVE 2.66
2.50 75617-1 Residence [NAMCS] Residence Type Pt ^Patient Nom NAMCS SURVEY.NHCS 4 ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94657-4 Contact case identifier Case identifier ID Pt ^Contact Nom ADMIN 2 Case ID Contact ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94656-6 State of known exposure State of known exposure Loc Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 State of exposure ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94654-1 Known exposure panel Known exposure panel - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.H&P 2 Exposure pnl ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94653-3 City of travel [Location] City of travel Loc Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 City of trav ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94652-5 Known exposure date Known exposure date Date Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 Exposure date ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94651-7 Country of travel [Location] Country of travel Loc Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Country of trav ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94650-9 Contact identifier Contact Contact identifier ID Pt ^Contact Nom ADMIN.ID 2 Contact ID Contact ACTIVE 2.68
2.50 75618-9 Comorbid condition Comorbid condition Find Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Comorbid condition ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 95041-0 COVID-19 Progress note COVID-19+Progress note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Progress note ACTIVE 2.70
2.54 80431-0 Employer city Employer city Loc Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.PATIENT 2 Employer city ACTIVE 2.69
2.52 77984-3 Country of exposure to illness [Location] Country of exposure to illness Loc Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Country exp to illness ACTIVE 2.54
2.52 77983-5 Country of usual residence [Location] Country of usual residence Loc Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.PATIENT.DEMOG 2 Country of usual residence ACTIVE 2.66
2.70 96998-0 Count of people who are fully vaccinated in Population People who are fully vaccinated Num Pt ^Population Qn VACCIN 2 People who fully vaccinated Pop ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96997-2 Count of people who initiated vaccination per 100,000 population People who have received first dose of vaccine/100,000 population NFr Pt ^Population Qn VACCIN 2 Rcvd first dose of vaccine/100,00 pop ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96996-4 People who have received first dose of vaccine [#] Population People who have received first dose of vaccine Num Pt ^Population Qn VACCIN 2 People rcvd first dose of vaccine Pop ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96995-6 Total vaccine doses distributed per 100,000 population Vaccine doses distributed/100,000 population NRto Pt ^Event Qn VACCIN 2 Vac doses dist per 100,000 ACTIVE 2.70
2.71 98077-1 Whether the patient previously met the case definition for condition of interest Whether the patient previously met the case definition for condition of interest Find Pt ^Patient Ord H&P.HX 2 Previous case condition of interest ACTIVE 2.71
2.72 99500-1 Clinical trial vaccine received Clinical trial vaccine received Find Pt ^Patient Ord VACCIN 2 Clin trial vaccine received ACTIVE 2.72
2.66 91560-3 Date of departure from travel destination Date of departure from travel destination Date Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 Date of departure from destination ACTIVE 2.66
2.66 91541-3 Disease outcome [Type] Disease outcome Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Disease outcome Type ACTIVE 2.68
2.54 80437-7 Employer country [Location] Employer country Loc Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.PATIENT 2 Employer country ACTIVE 2.69
2.07 32418-6 Obstetric trimester Stated Obstetric trimester Time Pt ^Patient Ord Stated H&P.HX 2 OB trimester Stated ACTIVE 2.27
2.70 97001-2 Vaccine administration tier Vaccine administration tier Type Pt ^Event Nom VACCIN 2 Vaccine administration tier ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 97000-4 Vaccine doses distributed for use in long term care facilities [#] Vaccine doses distributed for use in long term care facilities Num Pt ^Event Qn VACCIN 2 Vaccine doses distributed to LTCFs ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96999-8 Count of people who are fully vaccinated per 100,000 population People who are fully vaccinated/100,000 population NFr Pt ^Population Qn VACCIN 2 People who fully vaccinated/100,000 pop ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96994-9 Vaccine doses distributed [#] Vaccine doses distributed Num Pt ^Event Qn VACCIN 2 Vaccine doses distributed ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96992-3 State where vaccine was administered Vaccine administration state Loc Pt ^Event Nom VACCIN 2 Vaccine administration state ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96991-5 Vaccine administration county [Location] Vaccine administration county Loc Pt ^Event Nom VACCIN 2 Vaccine administration county ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96990-7 Vaccine administration location Vaccine administration location Type Pt ^Event Nom VACCIN 2 Vaccine administration loc ACTIVE 2.70
2.56 81267-7 Setting of exposure to illness Setting of exposure to illness Type Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Setting of exposure to illness ACTIVE 2.56
1.0h(3) 8656-1 Hospital admission date Hospital admission date TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 Hospital admission date ACTIVE 2.27
1.0h(3) 8649-6 Hospital discharge date Hospital discharge date TmStp Pt ^Patient Qn H&P.HX 2 Hospital discharge date ACTIVE 2.27
2.38 66455-7 Condition status Condition status Find Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Condition status ACTIVE 2.72
2.09 32624-9 Race Race Type Pt ^Patient Nom CLIN 2 Race ACTIVE 2.73
2.54 80398-1 Unique identifier for Current sample Unique identifier ID Pt Current sample Nom SPEC 1 Unique ID Current sample ACTIVE 2.73
2.52 76696-4 Name [Identifier] Facility Name ID Pt Facility Nom ADMIN.FACILITY 2 Name Facility ACTIVE 2.66
2.64 88636-6 Known exposure [Identifier] Known exposure Prid Pt ^Patient Nom H&P.HX 2 Known exposure ACTIVE 2.73
2.48 74549-7 Reporter of adverse event or unsafe condition Reporter of adverse event or unsafe condition Pn Pt ^Event Nom SURVEY.AHRQ 4 ACTIVE 2.48
2.48 74548-9 Reporter phone number Reporter phone number Tele Pt ^Event Nom SURVEY.AHRQ 4 ACTIVE 2.48
2.48 74547-1 Reporter email Reporter email EmailAddr Pt ^Event Nom SURVEY.AHRQ 4 ACTIVE 2.48
2.29 56831-1 Problem associated signs and symptoms Problem associated signs and symptoms Find Pt ^Patient Nom ED 2 Problem associated signs+symptoms ACTIVE 2.73
2.21 48766-0 Information source Information source Type Pt {system} Nom DOC.MISC 2 Source of info ACTIVE 2.73
2.52 76689-9 Sex assigned at birth Sex assigned^at birth Type Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.PATIENT.DEMOG 2 Sex assigned at birth ACTIVE 2.71
2.38 67098-4 Reason for test or procedure Reason for test or procedure Find Pt ^Patient Nom PHENX 2 Reason for test procedure ACTIVE 2.73
2.70 96989-9 Vaccine MVX code MVX code ID Pt Vaccine Nom VACCIN 2 Vaccine MVX code ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96988-1 Vaccine CVX code CVX code ID Pt Vaccine Nom VACCIN 2 Vaccine CVX code ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 97852-8 COVID-19 clinical status by WHO classification COVID-19 clinical status Find Pt ^Patient Ord WHO classification H&P.HX 2 COVID-19 clinical status WHO ACTIVE 2.70
2.07 31208-2 Specimen source identified Specimen Source Pt XXX Nom SPEC 1 Specimen source ACTIVE 2.79
2.40 71728-0 Personnel Email address Email address EmailAddr Pt Personnel Nom ADMIN 2 Personnel Email address ACTIVE 2.66
2.40 71726-4 Personnel Business phone number Business phone number Tele Pt Personnel Nom ADMIN 2 Personnel Business phone # ACTIVE 2.66
2.40 71740-5 Personnel Last (Family) name Last name Pn Pt Personnel Nom ADMIN 2 Personnel Last name ACTIVE 2.70
2.40 71739-7 Personnel First (Given) name First name Pn Pt Personnel Nom ADMIN 2 Personnel First name ACTIVE 2.70

COVID and telehealth documents

COVID and telehealth documents
VersionFirstReleased LOINC_NUM Long Common Name Component Property Time_Aspct System Scale_Typ Method_Typ Class ClassType Shortname External_Copyright_Notice Status VersionLastChanged
2.69 95520-3 Integrative medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Integrative medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Integrative medicine Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.69
2.50 75496-0 Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.54
2.50 75497-8 Telehealth Progress note Progress note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth Prog note ACTIVE 2.73
2.50 75498-6 Telehealth Summary note Summary note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth Summary note ACTIVE 2.54
2.58 84009-0 Spinal cord injury medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Spinal cord injury medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 SCIM Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84069-4 Multi-specialty program Telehealth Summary note Summary note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Multi-specialty program DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Multi-spec prog Telehealth Summary note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84070-2 Multi-specialty program Telehealth Plan of care note Plan of care note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Multi-specialty program DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Mult-spec prg Telehlth Plan of care note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84215-3 Mental health Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Mental health DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Mental health Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84231-0 Neurology Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Neurology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Neurology Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84232-8 Neurology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Neurology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Neurology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84233-6 Neurology Telehealth Initial evaluation note Initial evaluation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Neurology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Neurology Telehealth Initial eval note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 84274-0 Nurse Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Nurse DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Nurse Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 85206-1 Telehealth Initial evaluation note Initial evaluation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth Initial eval note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 85207-9 Telehealth Education note Education note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth Educ note ACTIVE 2.58
2.58 85208-7 Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.58
2.61 85888-6 Multi-specialty program Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Multi-specialty program DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Multi-spec prog Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.61
2.61 86208-6 Cardiology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Cardiovascular disease DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Cardiology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.61
2.64 89031-9 Hematology Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Hematology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Hematology Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.64
2.64 89032-7 Nephrology Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Nephrology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Nephrology Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.64
2.64 89033-5 Urology Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Urology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Urology Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.64
2.65 89883-3 Emergency medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Emergency medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Emergency med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89884-1 Hematology+Medical oncology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Hematology+Medical oncology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 HemOnc Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89885-8 Pain medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pain medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pain medicine Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89886-6 Palliative care Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Palliative care DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Palliative care Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89887-4 Adolescent medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Adolescent medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Adolescent med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89888-2 Pediatrics Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pediatrics DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Peds Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89889-0 Physical medicine and rehab Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Physical medicine and rehab DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 PM+R Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89890-8 Diabetology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Diabetology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Diabetology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89891-6 Endocrinology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Endocrinology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Endocrinology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89892-4 Infectious disease Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Infectious disease DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Infectious disease Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89893-2 Clinical genetics Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Clinical genetics DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Clinical genetics Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89894-0 Neonatal perinatal medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Neonatal perinatal medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Neo peri med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89895-7 Allergy and Immunology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Allergy+Immunology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Allergy+Immunology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.66
2.65 89896-5 Developmental-behavioral pediatrics Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Developmental-behavioral pediatrics DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Develop-behav peds Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89897-3 Gynecology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Gynecology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Gynecology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89898-1 Nephrology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Nephrology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Nephrology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89899-9 Orthopaedic surgery Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Orthopaedic surgery DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Orthopaedic surgery Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89900-5 Rheumatology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Rheumatology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Rheumatology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89901-3 Sports medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Sports medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Sports medicine Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89902-1 Otolaryngology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Otolaryngology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Otolaryngology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 89903-9 Urology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Urology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Urology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 90008-4 Pharmacogenomics Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pharmacogenomics DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pharmacogenomics Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 90712-1 Sleep medicine Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Sleep medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Sleep med Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.65
2.68 94821-6 COVID-19 Intubation advance directives COVID-19+Intubation advance directives Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Intubation Adv Dir ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 95407-3 Cardiopulmonary Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Cardiovascular disease+Pulmonary disease DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Cardio+Pulm dis Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.78
2.68 95412-3 COVID-19 case report COVID-19 case report Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Case rprt ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 95381-0 Telephone encounter COVID-19 note COVID-19 note Find Pt Telephone encounter Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Phone COVID-19 note ACTIVE 2.70
2.69 95804-1 Breastfeeding Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Breastfeeding DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Breastfeeding Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.69
2.65 90713-9 Sleep medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Sleep medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Sleep med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 90714-7 Pain medicine Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pain medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pain medicine Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 90715-4 Palliative care Telehealth Consult note Consultation note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Palliative care DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Palliative care Telehealth Consult note ACTIVE 2.65
2.65 90716-2 Psychiatry Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Psychiatry DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Psychiatric Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.65
2.66 91531-4 Social worker Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Social worker DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 SW Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.66
2.66 92913-3 Immunology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Immunology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Immunology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.66
2.68 94594-9 Neurological surgery Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Neurological surgery DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Neuro surgery Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94595-6 Pharmacology Telehealth Medication management note Medication management note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pharmacology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pharmacology Telehealth Med mgmt note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94721-8 COVID-19 Evaluation note COVID-19+Evaluation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Eval note ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94722-6 COVID-19 Initial Evaluation form COVID-19+Initial evaluation form Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Initial Eval form ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94723-4 Emergency department COVID-19 Initial Evaluation form COVID-19+Initial evaluation form Find Pt Emergency department Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 ED COVID-19 Initial Eval form ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94724-2 Pulmonary Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pulmonary disease DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pulmonary disease Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94725-9 Aerodigestive medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Aerodigestive medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Aerodigestive med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94726-7 Cleft and Craniofacial Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Cleft and Craniofacial DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Cleft+Craniofacial Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94770-5 Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Care Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Wound, ostomy, and continence care DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 WOC Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94771-3 Anesthesiology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Anesthesiology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Anesthesiology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94772-1 Blood banking and transfusion medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Blood banking and transfusion medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Bld Bnk+Trans Med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94773-9 Burn management Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Burn management DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Burn Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94774-7 Cardiac surgery Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Cardiac surgery DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Cardiac surgery Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94775-4 Critical care medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Critical Care Medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 CCM Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94776-2 Dentistry Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Dentistry DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Dentistry Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94777-0 Dermatology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Dermatology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Dermatology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94778-8 Ethics Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Ethics DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Ethics Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94779-6 Family medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Family medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Fam Med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94780-4 Gastroenterology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Gastroenterology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Gastroenterology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94781-2 General medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc General medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 General medicine Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94782-0 Surgery Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Surgery DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Surgery Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94783-8 Geriatric medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Geriatric medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Geri med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94784-6 Gynecologic oncology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Gynecologic oncology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Gyn Onc Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94785-3 Healthcare navigator Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Healthcare navigator DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Navigator Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94786-1 Hematology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Hematology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Hematology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94787-9 Interventional radiology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Interventional radiology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 IR Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94788-7 Clinical pathology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Clinical pathology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Clin Path Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94789-5 Maternal and fetal medicine Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Maternal and fetal medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Mat fetal med Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.73
2.68 94790-3 Nutrition and dietetics Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Nutrition and dietetics DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Nutr+diet Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94791-1 Occupational therapy Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Occupational therapy DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 OT Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94792-9 Oncology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Oncology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Oncology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94793-7 Wound care management Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Wound care management DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Wound care management Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94794-5 Ophthalmology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Ophthalmology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Ophthalmol Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94795-2 Pastoral care Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pastoral care DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pastoral Care Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94796-0 Pharmacology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Pharmacology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Pharmacology Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94797-8 Plastic surgery Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Plastic surgery DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Plastic surgery Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94798-6 Psychology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Psychology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Psych Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94799-4 Radiation oncology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Radiation oncology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Radiation Onc Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94800-0 Rapid response team Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Rapid response team DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Rapid response team Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94801-8 Recreational therapy Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Recreational therapy DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Rec therapy Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94802-6 Respiratory therapy Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Respiratory therapy DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Resp therapy Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94803-4 Speech-language pathology Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Speech-language pathology DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Speech-lang path Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94804-2 Trauma Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Trauma DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Trauma Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94805-9 Vascular surgery Telehealth Note Note Find Pt Telehealth Doc Vascular surgery DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Vascular surgery Telehealth Note ACTIVE 2.68
2.68 94806-7 COVID-19 Intubation Consultation note COVID-19+Intubation+Consultation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Intub+Consult ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94807-5 Attending COVID-19 Intubation Consultation note COVID-19+Intubation+Consultation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc Attending DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Attend COVID-19 Intub+Consult ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94808-3 Resident COVID-19 Intubation Consultation note COVID-19+Intubation+Consultation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc Resident DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Res COVID-19 Intub+Consult ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94809-1 COVID-19 Intubation Progress note COVID-19+Intubation+Progress note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Intub+Progress ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94810-9 COVID-19 Intubation Procedure note COVID-19+Intubation+Procedure note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Intub Proced ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94811-7 COVID-19 Intubation Evaluation note COVID-19+Intubation+Evaluation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Intub Eval note ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94812-5 COVID-19 Intubation and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation note COVID-19+Intubation+Cardiopulmonary resuscitation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Intub+CPR ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94813-3 Team COVID-19 Intubation Conference note COVID-19+Intubation+Conference note Find Pt {Setting} Doc Team DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Team COVID-19 Intub Conference ACTIVE 2.70
2.68 94814-1 Critical care medicine COVID-19 Consultation note COVID-19+Consultation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc Critical Care Medicine DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 CCM COVID-19 Consult note ACTIVE 2.70
2.73 100282-3 Vaccine exemption certificate Vaccine exemption certificate Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ADMIN 2 Vaccine exemption cert ACTIVE 2.73
2.73 100458-9 Outpatient COVID-19 Intubation Progress note COVID-19+Intubation+Progress note Find Pt Outpatient Doc DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 OP COVID-19 Intub+Progress ACTIVE 2.73
2.73 100459-7 Outpatient COVID-19 Progress note COVID-19+Progress note Find Pt Outpatient Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 OP COVID-19 Progress note ACTIVE 2.73
2.73 100651-9 Hospital COVID-19 Intubation Progress note COVID-19+Intubation+Progress note Find Pt Hospital Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Hosp COVID-19 Intub+Progress ACTIVE 2.73
2.73 100658-4 Hospital COVID-19 Progress note COVID-19+Progress note Find Pt Hospital Doc DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Hosp COVID-19 Progress note ACTIVE 2.73
2.70 96874-3 COVID-19 Immunization note COVID-19+Immunization note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Immunization note ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 97499-8 Proof of COVID-19 recovery certificate Proof of COVID-19 recovery certificate Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ADMIN 2 Proof of COVID-19 recovery Cert ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 97500-3 Proof of COVID-19 immunization or negative status certificate Proof of COVID-19 immunization or negative status certificate Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ADMIN 2 COVID-19 Immunization or Neg Cert ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96736-4 COVID-19 Procedure note COVID-19+Procedure note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Proced note ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96737-2 COVID-19 Consultation note COVID-19+Consultation note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 Consult note ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96738-0 COVID-19 letter COVID-19 letter Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 letter ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96739-8 Telehealth COVID-19 note COVID-19 note Find Pt Telehealth Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 Telehealth COVID-19 note ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96740-6 COVID-19 note COVID-19 note Find Pt {Setting} Doc {Role} DOC.ONTOLOGY 2 COVID-19 note ACTIVE 2.70

COVID-19 Survey terms

COVID-19 Survey terms
VersionFirstReleased LOINC_NUM Long Common Name Component Property Time_Aspct System Scale_Typ Method_Typ Class ClassType Shortname External_Copyright_Notice Status VersionLastChanged
2.70 96875-0 I believe the country has become more dangerous for people in my racial/ethnic group because of fear of the coronavirus [CRBS] I believe the country has become more dangerous for people in my racial or ethnic group because of fear of the coronavirus Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98071-4 Post COVID-19 functional status scale [PCFS] Post COVID-19 functional status scale - Pt ^Patient - PCFS PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98072-2 Post COVID-19 functional status grade [PCFS] Post COVID-19 functional status grade Find Pt ^Patient Ord PCFS SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96839-6 Nauseous or had stomach problems when I thought about or was exposed to information about the coronavirus in past 2 weeks Nauseous or had stomach problems when I thought about or was exposed to information about the coronavirus in past 2W Find 2W ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96838-8 Lost interest in eating when I thought about or was exposed to information about the coronavirus in past 2 weeks Lost interest in eating when I thought about or was exposed to information about the coronavirus in past 2W Find 2W ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96833-9 Since the coronavirus I have seen a lot more cyberbullying of people of my race/ethnicity [CRBS] Since the coronavirus I have seen a lot more cyberbullying of people of my race or ethnicity Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96832-1 Due to the coronavirus I have been cyberbullied because of my race/ethnicity [CRBS] Due to the coronavirus I have been cyberbullied because of my race or ethnicity Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97067-3 Allergic reaction to first COVID-19 vaccine dose Allergic reaction to first COVID-19 vaccine dose Find Pt ^Patient Ord VACCIN 2 Aller react 1st COVID-19 dose ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 97065-7 Medical history for preventive vaccination against COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) - with mRNA vaccine Medical history for preventive vaccination against COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) - with mRNA vaccine - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.VACCIN 2 Hx for COVID -19 vaccine ACTIVE 2.70
2.72 98880-8 Received or applied for assistance from community organization since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for assistance from community organization since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98879-0 Received or applied for assistance from a food pantry since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for assistance from a food pantry since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98878-2 Received or applied for other assistance since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for other assistance since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98877-4 Amount of school lost Amount of school lost Time Pt ^Patient Qn SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98876-6 Reason for not participating in remote learning Reason for not participating in remote learning Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98875-8 Able to participate in remote learning Able to participate in remote learning Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98874-1 How long were classes suspended How long were classes suspended Time Pt ^Patient Qn SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98873-3 Were classes suspended Were classes suspended Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98872-5 SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 © 2021 E. Sicuri, I. Lopes, E. Tacconelli, M. Giannella. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98871-7 COVID-19 comorbidity and healthcare questionnaire COVID-19 comorbidity and healthcare questionnaire - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.71 98162-1 Financial problems since the beginning of the pandemic Financial problems since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98160-5 Treatment sessions cancelled by doctor or patient since the beginning of the pandemic Treatment sessions cancelled by doctor or patient since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98159-7 Treatment sessions postponed by doctor or patient since the beginning of the pandemic Treatment sessions postponed by doctor or patient since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98158-9 Problems accessing medication since the beginning of the pandemic Problems accessing medication since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98157-1 Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups postponed since the beginning of the pandemic Routine doctor's visits &or check-ups postponed since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98156-3 Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups cancelled since the beginning of the pandemic Routine doctor's visits &or check-ups cancelled since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98180-3 Received any financial or material aid in last 12 months Received any financial or material aid in last 12 Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98179-5 Financial problems in last 12 months Financial problems in last 12 Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98178-7 Treatment sessions cancelled by doctor or patient in the last 12 months Treatment sessions cancelled by doctor or patient in the last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98172-0 Accepted or will accept COVID-19 vaccination once offered Accepted or will accept COVID-19 vaccination once offered Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98171-2 Has been offered COVID-19 vaccine Has been offered COVID-19 vaccine Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98170-4 Wear face mask in public Wear face mask in public Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98169-6 Stay at home to avoid social contact Stay at home to avoid social contact Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98168-8 How often do you keep a distance of at least 2 meters from others How often do you keep a distance of at least 2 meters from others Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98167-0 How often do you wash your hands with hand-soap or hydro-alcoholic solutions How often do you wash your hands with hand-soap or hydro-alcoholic solutions Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98166-2 What do you think is your current risk that, in case of infection or re-infection, you will experience severe complications or even death What do you think is your current risk that, in case of infection or re-infection, you will experience severe complications or even death Score Pt ^Patient Qn SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98165-4 What do you think is your current risk of infection or re-infection What do you think is your current risk of infection or re-infection Score Pt ^Patient Qn SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98164-7 How often have you recently looked for information on COVID-19 How often have you recently looked for information on COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98163-9 Received any financial or material aid since the beginning of the pandemic Received any financial or material aid since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.72 98901-2 Received or applied for temporary assistance since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for temporary assistance since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98896-4 Household income changed significantly since the beginning of the pandemic Household income changed significantly since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.70 97146-5 How helpful was your child's coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful was your child's coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97145-7 Helpful coping strategy your child used during the COVID-19 outbreak Helpful coping strategy your child used during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97144-0 How helpful has virtual entertainment been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has virtual entertainment been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97143-2 How helpful has playing online games been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has playing online games been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97142-4 How helpful has playing board games, cards with family members been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has playing board games, cards with family members been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97141-6 How helpful have arts and crafts projects been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful have arts and crafts projects been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97119-2 Difficulty getting work or schoolwork done because of other responsibilities at home during the COVID-19 outbreak Difficulty getting work or schoolwork done because of other responsibilities at home during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97118-4 Increase or decrease in schoolwork during the COVID-19 outbreak Increase or decrease in schoolwork during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97112-7 Worked during the COVID-19 outbreak Worked during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97111-9 Job loss during the COVID-19 outbreak Job loss during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97110-1 Work setting in the 2 weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak Work setting in the 2W before the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97089-7 How often medical providers used as source of information for COVID-19 How often medical providers used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97088-9 How often friends, family or neighbors used as source of information for COVID-19 How often friends, family or neighbors used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97087-1 Effect of social media (e.g., TikTok, Reddit) as source of information on mental health Effect of social media (e.g., TikTok, Reddit) as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97086-3 Effect of Twitter as source of information on mental health Effect of Twitter as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97085-5 Effect of Instagram or Snapchat as source of information on mental health Effect of Instagram or Snapchat as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97084-8 Effect of Facebook as source of information on mental health Effect of Facebook as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97076-4 Common news sources Common news sources Type Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97075-6 Total score [CAS] Total score Score Pt ^Patient Qn CAS SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97074-9 Mean score [CRBS] Mean score Score Pt ^Patient Qn CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96879-2 People of my race/ethnicity are more likely to get the coronavirus [CRBS] People of my race or ethnicity are more likely to get the coronavirus Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96878-4 Most social and mass media reports about the coronavirus create bias against people of my racial/ethnic group [CRBS] Most social and mass media reports about the coronavirus create bias against people of my racial or ethnic group Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96877-6 I worry about people thinking I have the coronavirus simply because of my race/ethnicity [CRBS] I worry about people thinking I have the coronavirus simply because of my race or ethnicity Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.72 99351-9 Informed of being at severe risk from COVID-19 due to an underlying health condition Informed of being at severe risk from COVID-19 due to an underlying health condition Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99349-3 Has or had COVID-19 Has or had COVID-19 Hx Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 99348-5 Close contact with COVID-19 in last 2W Close contact with COVID-19 in last 2W Find 2W ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.70 97073-1 Received COVID-19 vaccine Received COVID-19 vaccine Find Pt ^Patient Ord VACCIN 2 Rcvd COVID-19 vaccine ACTIVE 2.70
2.70 96876-8 People of my race/ethnicity are more likely to lose their job because of the coronavirus [CRBS] People of my race or ethnicity are more likely to lose their job because of the coronavirus Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.72 98888-1 Received or applied for nutrition assistance since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for nutrition assistance since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98887-3 Received or applied for social security since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for social security since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98886-5 Received or applied for supplemental social security since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for supplemental social security since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98885-7 Received or applied for government health insurance since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for government health insurance since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98884-0 Received or applied for paycheck protection since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for paycheck protection since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98883-2 Received or applied for other government aid since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for other government aid since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98882-4 Received or applied for assistance from a union since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for assistance from a union since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98881-6 Received or applied for assistance from a religious organization since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for assistance from a religious organization since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98953-3 Able to participate in remote learning in last 12 months Able to participate in remote learning in last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98952-5 Reason for not participating in remote learning in last 12 months Reason for not participating in remote learning in last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98951-7 Amount of school lost in last 12 months Amount of school lost in last 12Mo Time 12Mo ^Patient Qn SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98950-9 How long were classes suspended in last 12 months How long were classes suspended in last 12Mo Time 12Mo ^Patient Qn SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98949-1 Were classes suspended in last 12 months Were classes suspended in last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98948-3 SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children 12 month follow-up SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children 12Mo follow-up - 12Mo ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98947-5 SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children intake questions SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children intake questions - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98895-6 Level of worry that household income has been or will be negatively impacted by COVID-19 Level of worry that household income has been or will be negatively impacted by COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98894-9 Level of worry that asset value has been or will be negatively impacted by COVID-19 Level of worry that asset value has been or will be negatively impacted by COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98893-1 Difficulty level of paying expenses in past month Difficulty level of paying expenses in past Mo Find 1Mo ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98892-3 Emergency expense payment method Emergency expense payment method Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98891-5 Methods using or plan to use to cover expenses Methods using or plan to use to cover expenses Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98890-7 Received or applied for unemployment insurance since the beginning of the pandemic Received or applied for unemployment insurance since the beginning of the pandemic Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.72 98889-9 COVID-19 related household finances COVID-19 related household finances - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.70 97147-3 COVID-19 experiences - coping panel [COVEX] COVID-19 experiences - coping panel - Pt ^Patient - COVEX PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97126-7 How helpful has exercising or walking been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has exercising or walking been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97125-9 How helpful has talking to a therapist been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has talking to a therapist been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97124-2 How helpful has texting, calling or video-calling family members or friends been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has texting, calling or video-calling family members or friends been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97120-0 Difficulty getting work or schoolwork done because of your home environment during the COIVD-19 outbreak Difficulty getting work or schoolwork done because of your home environment during the COIVD-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97079-8 Effect of local government officials as source of information on mental health Effect of local government officials as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97078-0 Effect of friends, family or neighbors as source of information on mental health Effect of friends, family or neighbors as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97077-2 Time spent per day getting information about COVID-19 and/or its impact Time spent per day getting information about COVID-19 &or its impact Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96886-7 Thinking about your current social habits, in the last 5 days: I have attended social gatherings outside my home of less than 10 people Attended social gatherings outside my home of less than 10 people Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96885-9 Thinking about your current social habits, in the last 5 days: I have attended social gatherings outside my home of more than 10 people Attended social gatherings outside my home of more than 10 people Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96884-2 Went to workplace or volunteer site outside home Went to workplace or volunteer site outside home Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96883-4 Stayed home all day Stayed home all day Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96882-6 In the past month, have recommendations for socially distancing caused stress for you In the past Mo, have recommendations for socially distancing caused stress for you Find 1Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.77
2.70 96881-8 Negative social media posts against people of my race/ethnicity have increased because of the coronavirus [CRBS] Negative social media posts against people of my race or ethnicity have increased because of the coronavirus Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96880-0 People of my race/ethnicity will not receive coronavirus healthcare as good as the care received by other groups [CRBS] People of my race or ethnicity will not receive coronavirus healthcare as good as the care received by other groups Find Pt ^Patient Ord CRBS SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97140-8 How helpful has cooking or baking been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has cooking or baking been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97139-0 How helpful has exercising or walking been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has exercising or walking been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97138-2 How helpful has talking to a therapist been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has talking to a therapist been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97135-8 Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on life Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on life Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97134-1 How helpful was your coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful was your coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97133-3 Helpful coping strategy used during the COVID-19 outbreak Helpful coping strategy used during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97132-5 How helpful has virtual entertainment been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has virtual entertainment been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97131-7 How helpful has playing online games been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has playing online games been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97117-6 School has offered classes remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak School has offered classes remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97116-8 Student during the COVID-19 outbreak Student during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97115-0 Student in the few weeks before COVID-19 outbreak Student in the few weeks before COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97114-3 Work setting during the COVID-19 outbreak Work setting during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97113-5 Significant job changes during the COVID-19 outbreak Significant job changes during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97109-3 New employment during the COVID-19 outbreak New employment during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97108-5 Employment status in the 2 weeks prior to COVID-19 outbreak Employment status in the 2W prior to COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97096-2 COVID-19 experiences - media use panel [COVEX] COVID-19 experiences - media use panel - Pt ^Patient - COVEX PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97095-4 How often social media used as source of information for COVID-19 How often social media used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97094-7 How often TV or radio used as source of information for COVID-19 How often TV or radio used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97093-9 How often print or online news used as source of information for COVID-19 How often print or online news used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97083-0 Effect of radio or podcast as source of information on mental health Effect of radio or podcast as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97082-2 Effect of print or online news as source of information on mental health Effect of print or online news as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97081-4 Effect of national and international health officials as source of information on mental health Effect of national and international health officials as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97080-6 Effect of national government officials as source of information on mental health Effect of national government officials as source of information on mental health Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96837-0 Paralyzed or frozen when I thought about or was exposed to information about the coronavirus in past 2 weeks Paralyzed or frozen when I thought about or was exposed to information about the coronavirus in past 2W Find 2W ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96836-2 Trouble falling or staying asleep due to thinking about the coronavirus in past 2 weeks Trouble falling or staying asleep due to thinking about the coronavirus in past 2W Find 2W ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96835-4 Dizzy, lightheaded, or faint, when exposed to news about the coronavirus in past 2 weeks Dizzy, lightheaded, or faint, when exposed to news about the coronavirus in past 2W Find 2W ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96834-7 Coronavirus anxiety scale Coronavirus anxiety scale - 2W ^Patient - CAS PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.72 99357-6 COVID-19 health questions panel COVID-19 health questions panel - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.72
2.61 85658-3 Occupation [Type] Occupation Type Pt ^Patient Nom ADMIN.PATIENT.DEMOG 2 Occupation Type ACTIVE 2.66
2.71 98177-9 Treatment sessions postponed by doctor or patient in the last 12 months Treatment sessions postponed by doctor or patient in the last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98176-1 Problems accessing medication in last 12 months Problems accessing medication in last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98175-3 Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups postponed in the last 12 months Routine doctor's visits &or check-ups postponed in the last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98174-6 Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups cancelled in the last 12 months Routine doctor's visits &or check-ups cancelled in the last 12Mo Find 12Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98173-8 Reasons for not accepting COVID-19 vaccine Reasons for not accepting COVID-19 vaccine Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97137-4 How helpful has virtual learning or school been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has virtual learning or school been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97136-6 How helpful has texting, calling or video-calling family members or friends been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has texting, calling or video-calling family members or friends been as a coping strategy to your child during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97130-9 How helpful has playing games with family members been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has playing games with family members been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97129-1 How helpful has cleaning or doing household chores been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has cleaning or doing household chores been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97128-3 How helpful have arts and crafts projects been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful have arts and crafts projects been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97127-5 How helpful has cooking or baking been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak How helpful has cooking or baking been as a coping strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97123-4 COVID-19 experiences - employment and school changes panel [COVEX] COVID-19 experiences - employment and school changes panel - Pt ^Patient - COVEX PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97122-6 Household member who lost job or income due to COVID-19 outbreak Person who lost job or income due to COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Household member Nom SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97121-8 Household job or income loss due to the COVID-19 outbreak Household job or income loss due to the COVID-19 outbreak Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97092-1 How often medical or health websites used as source of information for COVID-19 How often medical or health websites used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97091-3 How often Federal Government used as source of information for COVID-19 How often Federal Government used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 97090-5 How often local government officials used as source of information for COVID-19 How often local government officials used as source of information for COVID-19 Find Pt ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96892-5 COVID-19 participant experience survey COVID-19 participant experience survey - Pt ^Patient - COPE PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96891-7 How often in the past month are you doing the recommended pandemic hygiene How often in the past Mo are you doing the recommended pandemic hygiene Find 1Mo ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96890-9 Frequency of social interaction with people outside my home Frequency of social interaction with people outside my home Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96889-1 Close contact with someone who is in a risk group for COVID-19 Close contact with someone who is in a risk group for COVID-19 Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96888-3 Thinking about your current social habits, in the last 5 days: I have visited nursing homes or long-term care facilities (outside of work duties) Visited nursing homes or long-term care facilities (outside of work duties) Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96887-5 Thinking about your current social habits, in the last 5 days: I have gone on shopping trips or outings that were just for fun Gone on shopping trips or outings that were just for fun Find 5D ^Patient Ord SURVEY.COVID 4 ACTIVE 2.71
2.70 96831-3 Coronavirus racial bias scale [CRBS] Coronavirus racial bias scale - Pt ^Patient - CRBS PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 Copyright 2020 Fisher, Celia B. & Yip, Tiffany - Fordham University Center for Ethics Education. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.71
2.71 98154-8 SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for adults SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for adults - Pt ^Patient - PANEL.SURVEY.COVID 4 © 2021 E. Sicuri, I. Lopes, E. Tacconelli, M. Giannella. Used with permission. ACTIVE 2.72