The following guidelines and recommendations outline brand and asset use, including logo, colors, content, graphic elements and trademarks without negotiating legal agreements. The LOINC marks include, but are not limited to, the LOINC name, logo, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identi es the source or origin of any of LOINC’s products.
Because brands inevitably evolve, the below guidelines may change over time. We ask that you regularly refer back to this website for the latest. For further information, please contact us.
To make any use of our marks in a way that is not covered by these guidelines, contact us and include a visual mockup of intended use.
Regenstrief requests that you use the following guide when developing marketing, communication, training, etc. collateral. As a freely available resource, the LOINC brand depends on not only patrons of the program but also consistency of communication amongst participants globally.
Brand voice
While trademark and proper logo use are requested, we do encourage users to have fun with the LOINC brand. When creating collateral that references LOINC, consider using terms from this short dictionary:
- LOINC (noun): as in, the database
- LOINC (verb): To LOINC, be LOINCing (e.g. mapping your local tests to LOINC), or have LOINCed (e.g. once you’re done mapping, you have “LOINCed” all of your local tests)
- [Head, Chief, etc.] LOINCer (noun): a person with LOINC expertise
- LOINCification (nominalization): the process of representing an existing test or variable (or collection thereof) in LOINC
While not exhaustive, this list provides creative stimulation for LOINCifying phrases. No need to check the dictionary or for legal approval on these. Feel free to be creative and spread the LOINC love.
Required legal copy and trademark use
The Regenstrief Institute, Inc., owns the exclusive trademark rights to LOINC and requires that appropriate legal accreditation is included where LOINC is used. This includes the use of any of the following brand elements: name, logo and brand elements including icons, imagery/photography.
- The registered trademark (circle R, ®) must be used in conjunction with LOINC in any headers and first body-copy use.
- On all documents, campaigns and components, the following required copy must be added as a footnote at the end/bottom in a size no smaller than 8 point.
- Translated trademark and copyright statements must still include the ®.
Refer to the LOINC License for the necessary text to be included in all trademark use cases.
LOINC identity guidelines
The LOINC logo is comprised of the LOINC word mark, including the circle icon. These elements should not be separated. You can download the logo image file at the bottom of this page.
The LOINC logo is a special trademark to the LOINC community, and we intend to prevent its use in association with other companies' software or related services.
You do not need to ask us for permission to use the LOINC logo (as published by us) when you use it in these ways:
- On your own website solely as a hyperlink to
- In other materials, such as presentations and slides, solely as a means to refer to the LOINC vocabulary standard itself.
All other uses of the LOINC logo must be approved in writing by Regenstrief Institute, Inc.
Logo versions
- FULL-COLOR LOGO The two-color LOINC logo is the primary version. Use this logo whenever possible to help build brand recognition.
- ONE-COLOR LOGO When required for usage or if there's a concern about the use of blue within a geography, use the one-color, black logo.
- TWO-COLOR REVERSED LOGO Use the two-color logo on dark color backgrounds or solid color areas on photography.
- ONE-COLOR REVERSED LOGO Select the reversed one-color logo only when legibility is needed. We prefer to limit the use of this logo version.

To be used in most instances.

- Lato is a sans-serif typeface for use in all content associated directly with LOINC. It is available in many font weights. "Lato Medium," or simply Lato, is the best for choice paragraph text.
- Nothing You Could Do is a script font for use in calling attention to specific words or phrases. It should not be used in full paragraph text or all caps instances.
- Source Code Pro is a monospaced font that can be used to indicate computer code. It should not be used for prose or headline text.
All fonts are available for use from Google Fonts.
Lato from Google Fonts.
PMS 298C
C 70, M 16, Y 0, K 0
R 41, G 169, B 225
Hex #29a9e1
LOINC Orange
PMS 1595C
C 7, M 75, Y 100, K 1
R 224, G 99, B 40
Hex #e06328
PMS Cool Gray 9 C
C 53, M 45, Y 45, K 9
R 123, G 123, B 123
Hex #7b7b7b
PMS Black 6
C 15, M 15, Y 15, K 100
R 0, G 0, B 0
Hex #000000
Gray 1
C 4, M 2, Y 2, K 0
R 242, G 242, B 242
Hex #f2f2f2
Gray 2
C 9, M 6, Y 7, K 0
R 230, G 230, B 230
Hex #e6e6e6
Gray 3
C 15, M 15, Y 15, K 100
R 0, G 0, B 0
Hex #333333

Request the pig mascot
If you'd like to use the LOINC pig mascot, drop us a line and describe your idea.