LOINC in prehospital emergency medicine in Germany – experience of the `DIRK´-project.
Treatment of patients picked up by emergency services can be improved by data transfer ahead of arrival. Care given to emergency patients can be assessed and improved through data analysis. Both goals require electronic data transfer from the emergency medical services (EMS) to the hospital information system. Therefore a generic semantic standard is needed. Objective of this paper is to test the suitability of the international nomenclature Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) to encode the core data-sets for rescue service protocols (MIND 2 and MIND 3). Encoding diagnosis and medication categories using ICD-10 and ATC were also assessed. Protocols were broken down into concepts, assigned to categories, translated and manually mapped to LOINC codes. Each protocol was independently encoded by two healthcare professionals and in case of discrepancies a third expert was consulted to reach a consensus. Currently 39% of parameters could be mapped to LOINC. Additional use of other coding systems such as International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) for diagnoses and Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) for medications increases the rate of 'mappable' parameters to 56%. Although the coverage is low, mapping has shown that LOINC is suitable to encode concepts of the rescue services. In order to create a generic semantic model to be applied in the field our next step is to request new LOINC codes for the missing concepts.
Methods of information in medicine. 2014 ;53(2):87-91.
ISSN 0026-1270
Authors: B Edeler, R W Majeed, J Ahlbrandt, M R Stöhr, F Stommel, F Brenck, S Thun, R Röhrig
PMID 24190028