LOINC Committee Policies
Membership Rules
Membership Duration
The term length for Members is three years, which automatically renews as long as the conditions for Membership continue to be met. The LOINC Committee benefits from the wisdom and experience of long-term participants, and thus we want to encourage sustained contributions.
Attendance and Voting Privileges
Attendance at committee meetings is an obligation of membership. A Committee Member that misses 3 consecutive meetings is considered dormant. A Member can reinstate themselves by attending 2 consecutive meetings, with their voting privileges enabled at the 2nd meeting.
Termination of Membership
Members may terminate their membership in the LOINC Committee at any time by notifying the Secretariat of their intent to do so.
Members failing to attend meetings in their designated Committees for 2 years will automatically be removed from the membership roster. Such Members can apply to be reinstated when they meet the general conditions for membership again.
The Regenstrief Institute may terminate the Membership of any Member upon judgment that it has acted in violation of the mission of the LOINC Committee or the LOINC License.
Updating Membership Information
Members have an ongoing responsibility to make sure that their membership information on file with the Secretariat is accurate.
Members are welcome to join additional composite LOINC committees at any time, and can do so by contacting the Secretariat.
Committee Conduct
Meeting Notice
Meetings shall be announced by email notice to membership and posting on the LOINC website. Meetings allowing in-person attendance shall be announced not less than 60 days prior to the meeting. Teleconference-only meetings shall be announced not less than 7 days prior to the meeting.
Meeting Conduct
All meetings shall be conducted in an open manner that affords all Members an adequate opportunity to present their views. The Co-chairs shall undertake this responsibility with the assistance of the Secretariat.
The Secretariat shall ensure that minutes of all meetings are clear, complete, and accurate with regard to the actions that were taken and the justification for those actions.
Whenever possible, the Committee will make its decisions by consensus. Actions that require Committee approval include:
- Formation of a new Committee/Subcommittee
- Significant changes to the overall naming conventions
- Significant changes to policies for the development process
- Recommendations for new work projects or development activities to be considered for RI's work plan
Upon the prerogative of the chair, opinions of all participants on a matter can be called for and recorded.
Further, upon the prerogative of the chair, matters can be put to a vote by the Committee. When a matter is put to a recorded Committee vote, approval is determined by no less than two thirds affirmative vote of those voting. Before matters are voted upon, all opinions shall be considered.
Establishing a new composite Committee or Subcommittee
Upon recommendation from the LOINC Committee, Regenstrief Institute may form additional composite Committees or Subcommittees.
Special Task Forces or Workgroups
Regenstrief Institute may establish special task forces or workgroups as needed to inform and advance the work of the LOINC Committee. Such special groups may include both Members and non-Members as is necessary to carry out their charge.