RELMA Version 5.1 Available

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LOINC 2.80
Released 2025-02-26

RELMA 7.13
Released 2025-02-26

Current RELMA version released February 17, 2011.

New RELMA Features

  • RELMA stores various settings such as the path to the LMOF3.MDB database and the path to the RELMA.MDB database in a file on the user's machine. These settings have been preserved as RELMA has been upgraded from version 4.0 through version 4.5. However, when RELMA is upgraded from version 4.x to version 5.0 or later the settings will be reset to the default values. This means that the path to the LMOF3.MDB database and the path to the RELMA.MDB database will be reset to the default paths. Below are the default paths in various operating systems.
    Windows XP = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RELMA\
    Windows Vista = C:\Users\Public\Documents\RELMA\
    Windows 7 = C:\Users\Public\Documents\RELMA\
All users that do not store the LMOF3.MDB database and RELMA.MDB database in the above location will need to repoint RELMA to the appropriate database location.  This can be accomplished by starting the RELMA program and then doing the following.
* File | Set User Preferences
To change the path to the RELMA.MDB database containing the LOINC codes
        * Click [Browse] to the right of "Path to LOINC Database"
        * Browse to the appropriate location
        * Click [Open]
To change the path to the LMOF3.MDB database containing your codes
        * Click [Browse] to the right of "Path to Local Terms"
        * Browse to the appropriate location
        * Click [Open]
* Click [OK]
* Click [Exit Program]
* Restart RELMA
The setting of the database location only needs to be performed once.  The database location will be preserved in subsequent runs of the currently installed version and after upgrades to future versions.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  If you need assistance please send an email.
  • Adjusted the tab order of the controls in the graphical user interface.
  • The Lab Auto Mapper no longer displays the restriction control, as the Lab Auto Mapper pre-selects the necessary restrictions.
  • RELMA now selects the row under the cursor when you right-click in a grid that has zero rows selected or one row selected.
  • Slight modifications to Term Submission form for better usability and display visibility.
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.