LOINC version 2.77 is now available

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LOINC 2.80
Released 2025-02-26

RELMA 7.13
Released 2025-02-26

LOINC version 2.77 is available for download from the LOINC website. 

We are excited to announce the release of LOINC version 2.77 that includes new and edited concepts in Laboratory, Clinical, and other domains. Through our release we continue the work to promote health information exchange and semantic interoperability that ultimately promotes better care. The version 2.77 content reflects requests by stakeholders as well as internal maintenance projects that ensures LOINC is updated and aligned with current and emerging healthcare trends. 

Release 2.77 highlights

Requests for new concepts from stakeholders across the world are essential to LOINC. New content in this release submitted by national and international stakeholders include:

833 New concepts in the following domains:

  • 459 Laboratory
  • 290 Clinical
  • 81 Surveys
  • 3 Attachments

Collaboration is a core principle in our efforts to update LOINC.  The following updates are a snapshot of content updates that reflect our collaboration with other our national and international stakeholders: 

  • Through our collaboration with SNOMED International, 292 respiratory system concepts were updated for improved modeling and representation of the System axis. 
  • Work continues on the semi-quantitative clean-up project initiated by the LOINC Laboratory Committee in 2023. The semi-quantitative (SemiQn) scale was reintroduced for non-continuous measurement of numeric values. This new scale option has an impact on representation of Property.  For version 2.77,  40 concepts that had Property “SemiQn” were updated. 
  • We worked with the LOINC Radiology Committee to develop guidelines for modeling 83 new radiology concepts.  
  • In collaboration with HL7, we updated concepts supporting the Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA). We added new concepts to support the HL7 Standardized Medication that included input from the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP). 
  • Working closely with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), to facilitate accurate and effective resident assessment practices in long-term care facilities, we updated more than 1100 concepts associated with the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) to augment the collection and reporting of quality data to CMS. We also created new concepts to support  the CMS revision to Minimum Data Set (MDS) v1.18.11, v1.17.2, 1.17.1 , Long-term Care Data set (LCDS) v5.1, and The Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) v4.2 .

You can read more about all changes in the LOINC Release Notes in the LOINC Knowledge Base. We welcome you to comment on the LOINC Community Forum. You can also send a message to us directly.