LOINC Panels are collections of terms to represent specific sets of information
Beginning with version 1.0, the LOINC database was expanded to include order sets/panels. We use the word “panel” to mean collector terms that are linked to an enumerated set of discrete child elements. Across domains, this generic concept of a collection might be called a battery, form, data set, etc. For example, these collections can be a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers. The same general panel structure in LOINC is used to represent all of these kinds of collections.
LOINC Panels contain a specific structure with optional attributes, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes values such as form coding instructions, skip logic, optionality, and nested panels.
Panels encompass many domains of content, including:
- Laboratory panels
- Clinical Assessments, Scales, and Measures
- Clinical Documents and Summary panels
- Diagnostic studies (non-lab) panels
- US Government panels (including the CMS LT-PAC instruments MDS, IRF-PAI, LCDS, and OASIS)
- Survey Instruments
For more information on modeling of Panels in LOINC, refer to Chapter 7 "Panels (Batteries)" of the LOINC Users' Guide.
Hierarchy Browser
With LOINC's Hierarchy Browser tool, you can browse through panels by numerous categories, each containing subcategories indicating the panels intended use. Within the tool, simply change the Hierarchy option to "Panels." A free LOINC login is required to access this resource.
Learn how this open-source tool can create data input forms using LOINC's panel terms. You can find links to our implementation on Details pages and RELMA/Search LOING results for panel terms.
LOINC Complete
Your LOINC login is required to download. This accessory file is available within the combined LOINC file. Get more information on files included within this zip archive.
Released | 2025-02-26 |
Size | 73.90 MB |
API Access
LOINC Answer Lists and Answers are currently available as resources via LOINC's FHIR Terminology Server. See our documentation for more information on how to use the Terminology Server including example requests.
Questionnaire Resource
LOINC Panels are also available as part of the Questionnaire resource within FHIR. You can find more information on this resource type on the FHIR website.
This file contains all of the panels in LOINC, with one row representing each individual term within the panel along with information specific to the instance of that term within the panel, including the display name for the specific form, cardinality, skip logic and form coding instructions.
Some LOINC panels contain child panels nested underneath. For the nested panels, the row for each term within that panel will have the value for the immediate parent in the "Parent" column. And for the nested panel terms themselves, the panel terms that contain them will be contained in their "Parent" column.
This hierarchical structure uses the adjacency list model. It is represented in the file by the ParentID, ID and SEQUENCE fields. The root, or top level, records in the file are those records where the ParentID = ID.
For example, if Panel A contains Panel B and C, and Panel B contains Terms 1, 2 and 3 and Panel C contains Terms 4, 5 and 6, this would be represented as:
Panel A | Panel B |
Panel B | Term 1 |
Panel B | Term 2 |
Panel B | Term 3 |
Panel A | Panel C |
Panel C | Term 4 |
Panel C | Term 5 |
Panel C | Term 6 |
Note that this file is limited to LOINC panel terms and their child elements. LOINC terms that don't exist as part of a panel are NOT included.
See the Answer File artifact for detailed information regarding this table.
See the Answer File artifact for detailed information regarding this table.
See Appendix A of the LOINC Users' Guide for definitions of the fields included in the LOINC table.
62341-3 Borrelia burgdorferi IgG+IgM with reflex to immune blot panel - Serum
ParentId | ParentLoinc | ParentName | ID | SEQUENCE | Loinc | LoincName | Obs... |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47348 | 1043 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47349 | 1 | 34148-7 | B burgdor IgG+IgM Ser-aCnc | R |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 102310 | 2 | 5064-1 | B burgdor IgM Ser IA-aCnc | O |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47346 | 3 | 46248-1 | B burgdor IgG+IgM Ser IA-Imp | O |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47350 | 4 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | O |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41988 | 1 | 9588-5 | B burgdor18kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41987 | 2 | 9589-3 | B burgdor23kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41986 | 3 | 9590-1 | B burgdor28kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41985 | 4 | 9591-9 | B burgdor30kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41984 | 5 | 9592-7 | B burgdor39kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41983 | 6 | 9593-5 | B burgdor41kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41982 | 7 | 9594-3 | B burgdor45kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41981 | 8 | 9595-0 | B burgdor58kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41980 | 9 | 9596-8 | B burgdor66kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41979 | 10 | 9597-6 | B burgdor93kD IgG Ser Ql IB | R |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 47498 | 11 | 6320-6 | B burgdor IgG Ser Ql IB | O |
41977 | 60342-3 | B burdor IgG pnl Ser IB | 41978 | 12 | 13502-0 | B burgdor IgG Patrn Ser IB-Imp | O |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47362 | 5 | 60343-1 | B burdor IgM pnl Ser IB | O |
47362 | 60343-1 | B burdor IgM pnl Ser IB | 47363 | 1 | 9598-4 | B burgdor23kD IgM Ser Ql IB | R |
47362 | 60343-1 | B burdor IgM pnl Ser IB | 47364 | 2 | 9599-2 | B burgdor39kD IgM Ser Ql IB | R |
47362 | 60343-1 | B burdor IgM pnl Ser IB | 47365 | 3 | 9587-7 | B burgdor41kD IgM Ser Ql IB | R |
47362 | 60343-1 | B burdor IgM pnl Ser IB | 47504 | 4 | 6321-4 | B burgdor IgM Ser Ql IB | |
47362 | 60343-1 | B burdor IgM pnl Ser IB | 47502 | 5 | 13503-8 | B burgdor IgM Patrn Ser IB-Imp | O |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47347 | 6 | 62342-1 | B burgdor IgG+IgM Ser IB-Imp | O |
47348 | 62341-3 | B burgdor IgG+IgM W reflex to IB pnl Ser | 47345 | 7 | 9586-9 | B burgdor Ab Ser-Imp | O |
TIP R indicates Required, O indicates Optional, C indicates Conditional