This section last updated: 2022-07-26 (3 years ago)
Now that you are familiar with the general features of the RELMA mapping program, you can begin mapping your local terms to those found in the LOINC database. The mapping task is a four-step process.
After you find a LOINC record that describes your local term, you need to associate or map your local term to the LOINC term you've selected.
Please refer to the figure below. To map your local term, click on the LOINC term in the grid that you wish to associate with your local term. The program highlights the row you clicked on. Now double-click on the same row. The program then copies the LOINC number and description into the local term's LOINC field--you have successfully mapped your local term to a LOINC term. If your local term had previously been mapped to a LOINC, the program would have asked you to confirm that you are overwriting the existing LOINC mapping.
Clicking the "Comment" button on the lower right side of the screen will allow you add/edit the comment associated with the current local term. You can add/edit a comment at anytime, not just at the time you are mapping the term.
IMPORTANT: You cannot map your local code to a deprecated LOINC. Deprecated LOINCs are displayed in the results grid with the international NO sign đźš« displayed in the left-most column of the grid and displayed with a strikethrough font to emphasize they are no longer active LOINC terms.
NOTE: You may also map your local term using several other methods. You can right click on the row in the results grid that best matches your local term and choose the Map option from the context menu. You may also type in a valid LOINC code in the text box provided (manually mapping to a LOINC term).
You should repeat the mapping process for all other records in your Local Term File.
NOTE: RELMA does not require you to map everything "in one sitting". You can always pick up where you left off. You may want to use the "View Unmapped" option (found below the Next/Previous/First/Last buttons) for subsequent mapping sessions.