This section last updated: 2025-02-18 (1 month ago)
This is an alphabetical list of the abbreviations and acronyms used across LOINC. It is a work in progress and to date, primarily contains abbreviations/acronyms used in various LOINC Parts, except for Components.
The list does not include combinations of abbreviations and acronyms that are separated by a delimiter (e.g. Ser/Plas, Ser+CSF) since we have many such combinations in LOINC. To learn more about the use and meaning of delimiters in various parts of a LOINC term, please refer to Chapter 2 of the LOINC Users’ Guide.
If you have a specific abbreviation or acronym that you were looking for that is not in this list, please contact us.
Abbreviation/Acronym | Meaning | Areas of LOINC |
1.5H | 1.5 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
100D | 100 days | Timing |
10D | 10 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
10H | 10 hours | Timing |
10M | 10 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
10Y | 10 years | Timing |
12H | 12 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
12Mo | 12 months | Timing |
14D | 14 days | Timing |
15M | 15 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
180D | 180 days | Timing |
18H | 18 hours | Timing |
1D | 1 day | Timing |
1H | 1 hour | Timing; Challenge timing |
1M | 1 minute | Timing; Challenge timing |
1Mo | 1 month | Timing; Challenge timing |
1W | 1 week | Timing; Challenge timing |
1Y | 1 year | Timing |
2.5H | 2.5 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
20M | 20 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
24H | 24 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
25M | 25 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
2D | 2 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
2H | 2 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
2M | 2 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
2Mo | 2 months | Timing; Challenge timing |
2W | 2 weeks | Timing; Challenge timing |
2Y | 2 years | Timing |
30D | 30 days | Timing |
30M | 30 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
3D | 3 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
3H | 3 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
3-HPMA | 3-Hydroxypropyl Mercapturic acid | Component |
3M | 3 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
3Mo | 3 months | Timing; Challenge timing |
3W | 3 weeks | Timing; Challenge timing |
3Y | 3 years | Timing |
45M | 45 minutes | Timing |
48H | 48 hours | Timing |
4D | 4 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
4H | 4 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
4M | 4 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
4W | 4 weeks | Timing; Challenge timing |
5D | 5 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
5H | 5 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
5M | 5 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
6D | 6 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
6H | 6 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
6M | 6 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
6Mo | 6 months | Timing |
72H | 72 hours | Timing |
7D | 7 days | Timing; Challenge timing |
7H | 7 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
7M | 7 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
8H | 8 hours | Timing; Challenge timing |
8M | 8 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
90D | 90 days | Timing |
90M | 90 minutes | Timing |
9H | 9 hours | Timing |
9M | 9 minutes | Timing; Challenge timing |
Ab | Antibody | Component |
ABXBACT | Antibiotic susceptibilities | Class |
AC | Abdominal circumference | Method |
Accel | Acceleration | Property |
ACnc | Arbitrary concentration | Property |
ACnt | Arbitrary content | Property |
Addr | Address | Property |
ADL | Activities of daily living | Component |
ADMIN | Administrative | Class |
ADMIN.DEMOG | Demographic observations | Class |
ADMIN.FACILITY | Facility information | Class |
ADMIN.ID | Identification numbers | Class |
ADMIN.PATIENT | Patient administrative information | Class |
ADMIN.PATIENT.DEMOG | Patient demographics | Class |
ADMIN.PATIENT.ID | Patient identification numbers | Class |
AFr | Arbitrary fraction | Property |
Ag | Antigen | Component |
Aggl | Agglutination | Method |
Amnio fld | Amniotic fluid | System |
Anat | Anatomy | Property |
Angio | Angiography | Method |
AP | Apply Externally | Challenge route |
Aper | Appearance | Property |
APTA | American Physical Therapy Association | Class |
ArArea | Area/Area | Property |
ARat | Arbitrary Rate | Property |
Arb | Arbitrary | Property |
AreaFr | Area Fraction | Property |
AreaRto | Area Ratio | Property |
ArEnrg | Energy/Area | Property |
ArLen | Length/Area | Property |
ArMass | Mass/Area | Property |
ArResis | Resistance/Area | Property |
ART | Antiretroviral therapy | Class |
ArVol | Volume/Area | Property |
ArVRat | Volume Rate/Area | Property |
ASHA NOMS | ASHA National Outcomes Measurement System | Method |
Asp | Aspirate | System |
ATTACH | Attachment | Class |
ATTACH.AMB | Ambulance attachment | Class |
ATTACH.CARD | Cardiac attachment | Class |
ATTACH.CLINRPT | Clinical report attachment | Class |
ATTACH.CPHS | Children's Preventative Health System attachment | Class |
ATTACH.ED | Emergency department attachment | Class |
ATTACH.GENERAL | General attachment | Class |
ATTACH.GI | Gastrointestinal attachment | Class |
ATTACH.LAB | Laboratory attachment | Class |
ATTACH.MEDS | Medication attachment | Class |
ATTACH.MODIFIER | Modifier attachment | Class |
ATTACH.OBS | Obstetrics attachment | Class |
ATTACH.PERIODONTAL | Periodontal attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB | Rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.ABUSE | Alcohol/Substance abuse rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.CARDIAC | Cardiac rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.NURS | Specialized nursing attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.OT | Occupational therapy attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.PSYCH | Psychiatric rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.PT | Physical rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.PULM | Pulmonary rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.RT | Respiratory rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.SOCIAL | Medical social work attachment | Class |
ATTACH.REHAB.SPEECH | Speech therapy rehabilitation attachment | Class |
ATTACH.RESP | Respiratory attachment | Class |
AUC | Area under the curve | Property |
AUDIO | Audiology | Class |
B | Buccal | Challenge route |
BDYCRC.ATOM | Body circumference atomic | Class |
BDYCRC.MOLEC | Body circumference molecular | Class |
BDYHGT.ATOM | Body height atomic | Class |
BDYHGT.MOLEC | Body height molecular | Class |
BDYSURF.ATOM | Body surface atomic | Class |
BDYTMP.ATOM | Body temperature atomic | Class |
BDYTMP.MOLEC | Body temperature molecular | Class |
BDYTMP.TIMED.MOLEC | Body temperature timed molecular | Class |
BDYWGT.ATOM | Body weight atomic | Class |
BDYWGT.MOLEC | Body weight molecular | Class |
Bib | Bibliographic Citation | Property |
Bil fld | Bile fluid | System |
Bld | Whole blood | System | | Dried blood spot | System |
BldA | Blood arterial | System |
BLDBK | Blood bank | Class |
BLDBK.GENOTYPING | Blood bank genotyping | Class |
BldC | Blood capillary | System |
BldCo | Blood – cord | System |
BldL | Blood bag | System |
BldMV | Blood- mixed Venous | System |
BldP | Blood – peripheral | System |
BldV | Blood venous | System |
Blood group antibody screen | Blood group antibody screen | Method |
Body fld | Body fluid, unsp | System |
Bone mar | Marrow (bone) | System |
BP.ATOM | Blood pressure atomic | Class |
BP.CENT.MOLEC | Blood pressure central molecular | Class |
BP.MOLEC | Blood pressure molecular | Class |
BP.PSTN.MOLEC | Blood pressure positional molecular | Class |
BP.TIMED.MOLEC | Blood pressure timed molecular | Class |
BP.VENOUS.MOLEC | Blood pressure venous molecular | Class |
CAct | Catalytic Activity | Property |
CARD | Cardiology | Class |
CARD.PROC | Cardiac procedures | Class |
CARD.RISK | Cardiac Risk Scales Framingham | Class |
CARD.US | Cardiac ultrasound (was US.ECHO) | Class |
CARD.US.DICOM | DICOM Simplified Adult Echo Report concepts | Class |
CARDIO-PULM | Cardiopulmonary | Class |
CAS | Coronavirus Anxiety Scale | Method |
CBA IFA | Cell binding immunofluorescent assay | Method |
CBS-8 | Columbia Behavior Scale for Dementia | Method |
CCnc | Catalytic Concentration | Property |
CCnt | Catalytic Content | Property |
CDC | Complement-dependent cytotoxicity | RelatedName |
CDC | U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Component; Method |
CELLMARK | Cell markers | Class |
CFst | Calorie fast | Challenge |
CFr | Catalytic Fraction | Property |
CFr.DF | Decimal Catalytic Fraction | Property |
CHAL | Challenge tests | Class |
CHAL.ROUTINE | Routine challenge tests | Class |
CHALSKIN | Skin challenge tests | Class |
CHEM | Chemistry | Class |
Chromo | Chromogenic/Enzymatic Assay | Method |
Circ | Circumference | Property |
CircFr | Circumference Fraction | Property |
CKD-EPI | Creatinine and Cystatin C-based formula | Method |
CLIN | Clinical NEC (not elsewhere classified) | Class |
CLIN.RISK | Clinical Risk | Class |
CLIN.VET | Clinical veterinary | Class |
CLINTRIAL | Clinical trials | Class |
ClockTime | Clock Time | Property |
Cmplx | Complex | Property |
Cnjt | Conjunctiva | System |
Cnl | Cannula | System |
CNPI | Checklist of nonverbal pain indicators | Method |
Coag | Coagulation Assay | Method; Class |
Col | Colostrum | System |
ColorRto | Color Ratio | Property |
COMI | Core Outcome Measures Index | Method |
Comp fix | Complement Fixation | Method |
Compli | Compliance | Property |
CompliRto | Compliance Ratio | Property |
COPE | COvid-19 Participant Experience (COPE) | Method |
COVEX | COVID-19 Experiences | Method |
CRat | Catalytic Rate | Property |
CRBS | Coronavirus Racial Bias Scale | Method |
Crn | Cornea | System |
CRto | Catalytic Ratio | Property |
CSF | Cerebral spinal fluid | System |
CSub | Catalytic Substance | Property |
CT | Computed tomography | Method |
CTp | Catheter tip | System |
Cvm | Cervical mucus | System |
Cvx | Cervix | System |
CYTO | Cytology | Class |
Cyto stain | Cytology Stain | Method |
Desc | Description | Property |
Dial fld | Dialysis fluid | System |
Dial fld prt | Peritoneal dialysis fluid | System |
Diam | Diameter | Property |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid | Component |
Doc | Document | Scale |
DOC.EPSOS | Smart Open Services for European Patients (epSOS) documents | Class |
DOC.MISC | Miscellaneous documentation | Class |
DOC.ONTOLOGY | Document Ontology | Class |
DOC.PUBLICHEALTH | Public health documentation | Class |
DOC.QUALITY | Quality documents | Class |
DOC.REF | Referral documentation | Class |
DOC.REF.CTP | Clinical trial protocol document | Class |
DOCUMENT.REGULATORY | Regulatory documentation | Class |
DRUG/TOX | Drug levels & Toxicology | Class |
DRUGDOSE | Drug dose (for transmitting doses for pharmacokinetics) | Class |
DT | Dental | Challenge route |
DtTmRange | Date and Time Range | Property |
Duod fld | Duodenal fluid | System |
Dur | Duration | Timing |
Dx | Diagnosis | Component |
ED | Emergency (DEEDS) | Class |
EEG | Electroencephalogram | System; Method |
EKG.ATOM | Electrocardiogram atomic | Class |
EKG.IMP | Electrocardiogram impression | Class |
EKG.MEAS | Electrocardiogram measures | Class |
Elcur | Electrical current | Property |
ElecCon | Electrical Conductivity | Property |
Elpot | Electrical Potential (Voltage) | Property |
ElpotRat | Voltage Rate (=Amperage) | Property |
ElpotRto | Electrical Potential Ratio | Property |
EmailAddr | E-mail Address | Property |
Enctr | Duration of an encounter (hospital stay, visit). | Timing |
ENDO.GI | Gastrointestinal endoscopy | Class |
Endomet | Endometrium | System |
EngCnc | Energy Concentration | Property |
EngCnt | Energy Content | Property |
EngDiff | Energy Difference | Property |
EngFr | Energy Fraction | Property |
EngRat | Power = Energy/Time | Property |
EngRatFr | Energy Rate Fraction | Property |
EngRto | Energy Ratio | Property |
Enrg | Energy | Property |
EntCat | Entitic Catalytic Activity | Property |
EntLen | Entitic Length | Property |
EntLogNum | Logarithmic Entitic Number | Property |
EntMass | Entitic Mass | Property |
EntNum | Entitic Number | Property |
EntSRto | Entitic Substance Ratio | Property |
EntSub | Entitic Substance | Property |
EntVol | Entitic Volume | Property |
EP | Epidural | Challenge route |
Equ | Equation | Property |
ET | Endotrachial Tube | Challenge route |
Exhl gas | Exhaled gas (breath) | System |
EYE.ANGIO.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s angiography concepts | Class |
EYE.CONTACT_LENS | Ophthalmology contact lens | Class |
EYE.EOG.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s electrooculogram concepts | Class |
EYE.ERG.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s electroretinogram concepts | Class |
EYE.GLASSES | Ophthalmology glasses: Lens manufacturer (LM) & Prescription | Class |
EYE.HETEROPHORIA | Ophthalmology heterophoria | Class |
EYE.HX.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s eye history concepts | Class |
EYE.LASIK | Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis | Class |
EYE.LENSOMETRY | Lensometry | Class |
EYE.OCT | Ophthalmology Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) | Class |
EYE.OCT.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s optical coherence tomography concepts | Class |
EYE.PX | Ophthalmology physical findings | Class |
EYE.PX.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s eye physical exam concepts | Class |
EYE.REFRACTION | Ophthalmology refraction | Class |
EYE.REFRACTION.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s refraction concepts | Class |
EYE.RETINAL_RX | Ophthalmology treatments | Class |
EYE.SLITLAMP.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s slit lamp biomicroscopy concepts | Class |
EYE.SPECULAR MICROSCOPY | Specular microscopy | Class |
EYE.TONOMETRY | Ophthalmology tonometry | Class |
EYE.TONOMETRY.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s tonometry concepts | Class |
EYE.US | Ophthalmology ultrasound | Class |
EYE.VISUAL_FIELD | Ophthalmology visual field | Class |
EYE.VISUAL_FIELD.NEI | NEI eyeGENE’s visual field concepts | Class |
Fcn | Function | Property |
FERT | Fertility | Class |
FFst | Fluid fast | Challenge |
FIGO | International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics | Method |
Find | Finding | Property |
FINDRISC | Finnish Diabetes Risk Score | Method |
FL | Femur length | Method |
FldConduct | Fluid Conductance | Property |
FldResist | Fluid Resistance | Property |
Floc | Flocculation Assay | Method |
FNA | Fine needle aspiration | System |
Freq | Frequency | Property |
frst | First value observed during an interval | Timing |
FUNCTION | Functional status (e.g., Glasgow) | Class |
Gast fld | Gastric fluid/contents | System |
GC-MS | Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry | Method |
GE | Greater than or equal to | Component; Timing |
GEN.US | General ultrasound | Class |
Genital fld | Genital fluid | System |
Genital loc | Genital lochia | System |
Genital muc | Genital mucus | System |
Geno | Genotype | Property |
GI | Gastroenterology | Class |
GT | Greater than | Timing |
Gt 1H | Greater than 1 hour | Timing |
GTT | Gastronomy Tube | Challenge route |
GU | GU Irrigant | Challenge route |
H&P.HX | History | Class |
H&P.HX.LAB | History for laboratory studies | Class |
H&P.PX | Physical | Class |
H&P.SURG PROC | Surgical procedure | Class |
HA | Hemagglutination | Method |
HAI | Hemagglutination Inhibition | Method |
HC | Head circumference | Method |
Head>Cerebral vessels | Head>Cerebral vessels | System |
HEM/BC | Hematology/Cell counts | Class |
HEMODYN.ATOM | Hemodynamics atomic | Class |
HEMODYN.MOLEC | Hemodynamics molecular | Class |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus | Component |
HL7.CCDA | HL7 Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture | Class |
HL7.CYTOGEN | Clinical cytogenetic report | Class |
HL7.GENETICS | Clinical genetic report | Class |
HLA | Human leukocyte antigen | Class; Component |
HNA | Human neutrophil alloantigen | Class; Component |
HOOS-PS | Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score – Physical Function Shortform | Method |
HPA | Human platelet antigen | Class; Component |
HRTRATE.ATOM | Heart rate atomic | Class |
HRTRATE.MOLEC | Heart rate molecular | Class |
HRTRATE.PSTN.MOLEC | Heart rate positional molecular | Class |
HRTRATE.TIMED.MOL | Heart rate timed molecular | Class |
HSVS | Housing Stability Vital Signs | Method |
HTLV 1 | human t-cell lymphotropic virus-1 | Component |
Hx | History | Property |
IA | Immunoassay | Method |
IA.MTTT | Immunoassay Modified two-tiered testing | Method |
IA | Intra-arterial | Challenge route |
IADL | Instrumental activities of daily living | Component |
IB | Immune Blot | Method |
IB | Intrabursal | Challenge route |
IC | Intracardiac | Challenge route |
ICD | International classification of diseases | Component |
ICN | Intracervical (uterus) | Challenge route |
ICP | Inductively Coupled Plasma | Method |
ID | Identifier | Property |
ID | Intradermal | Challenge route |
IEEE | Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers | Class |
IF | Immune Fluorescence | Method |
Ig | immunoglobulin | Component |
IgA | immunoglobulin A | Component |
IgD | immunoglobulin D | Component |
IgE | immunoglobulin E | Component |
IgG | immunoglobulin G | Component |
IgM | immunoglobulin M | Component |
IgV | immunoglobulin V | Component |
IH | Inhalation | Challenge route |
IHA | Intrahepatic Artery | Challenge route |
IM | Intramuscular | Challenge route |
Imp | Impression/interpretation of study | Property |
IN | Intranasal | Challenge route |
Inhl gas | Inhaled gas | System |
Instrct | Instructions | Property |
Inverse VI | Inverse Inspired Volume | Property |
InvLen | Inverse Length | Property |
IO | Intraocular | Challenge route |
IO_IN_SALTS+CALS | Input/Output electrolytes and calories | Class |
IO_IN.ATOM | Input/Output atomic | Class |
IO_IN.INFUS | Infusion pump intake measures | Class |
IO_IN.MOLEC | Input/Output molecular | Class |
IO_IN.SUMMARY | Input/Output summary | Class |
IO_IN.TIMED.MOLEC | Input/Output timed molecular | Class |
IO_OUT.ATOM | Input/Output atomic | Class |
IO_OUT.MOLEC | Input/Output molecular | Class |
IO_OUT.TIMED.MOLE | Input/Output timed molecular | Class |
IO.TUBE | Input/Output of tube | Class |
IP | Intraperitoneal | Challenge route |
IS | Intrasynovial | Challenge route |
IT | Intrathecal | Challenge route |
IU | Intrauterine | Challenge route |
IV | Intravenous | Challenge route |
KOOS-PS | Knee injurty and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score - Physical Function Shortform | Method |
LA | Latex Agglutination | Method |
LaCnc | Log Arbitrary Concentration | Property |
Len | Length | Property |
LenFr | Length Fraction | Property |
LenRto | Length Ratio | Property |
LHR | Leukocyte Histamine Release | Method |
LKSS | Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale | Method |
LnCnc | Log Number Concentration | Property |
LnRto | Log Number Ratio | Property |
Loc | Location | Property |
LogInvPct | Log Inverse Percent | Property |
LogLenRto | Log Length Ratio | Property |
LogRtoElp | Log Ratio Electrical Potential | Property |
Lower extremity.left>Foot subtalar joint | Lower extremity.left>Foot subtalar joint | System |
Lower extremity.left>Thigh.soft tissue | Lower extremity.left>Thigh.soft tissue | System |
LRat | Length Rate | Property |
LsCnc | Log Substance Concentration | Property |
Lt 1H | Less than 1 hour | Timing |
Lung tiss | Lung tissue | System |
max | Maximum value over interval | Timing |
MCnc | Mass Concentration | Property |
MCncDiff | Difference in Mass Concentration | Property |
MCncSq | Mass Concentration Squared | Property |
MCnt | Mass Content | Property |
MCPctDiff | Percent Difference in Mass Concentration | Property |
MDiff | Mass Difference | Property |
mean | Mean of all of the values observed on the interval (This is the default selection.) | Timing |
MEDS | Medications | Class |
Me-PFOSA-AcOH | 2-N-Methyl-perfluorooctanesulfonamide acetate | Component |
MFr | Mass Fraction | Property |
MFr.DF | Mass Decimal Fraction | Property |
MFrDiff | Mass Fraction Difference | Property |
MIC | Minimum Inhibitory Concentration | Method |
MIC.VOC | Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Volatile Organic Compounds | Method |
MICRO | Microbiology | Class |
min | Minimum value over interval | Timing |
MISC | Miscellaneous | Class |
MLC | Minimum Lethal Concentration | Method |
MM | Mucus Membrane | Challenge route |
Molgen | Molecular Genetics | Method |
MOLPATH | Molecular pathology | Class |
MOLPATH.DELDUP | Gene deletions or duplications | Class |
MOLPATH.INV | Gene inversion | Class |
MOLPATH.MISC | Gene miscellaneous | Class |
MOLPATH.MUT | Gene mutation | Class |
MOLPATH.NUCREPEAT | Nucleotide repeats | Class |
MOLPATH.PHARMG | Pharmacogenomics | Class |
MOLPATH.REARRANGE | Gene rearrangement | Class |
MOLPATH.TRISOMY | Gene chromosome trisomy | Class |
MOLPATH.TRNLOC | Gene translocation | Class |
MoM | Multiple of the Median | Property |
Morph | Morphology | Property |
MPSS | Mainz Pain Staging System | Method |
MR | Magnetic resonance | Method |
MRat | Mass Rate | Property |
MRatRange | Mass Rate Range | Property |
MRC | Medical Research Council | Method |
MRto | Mass Ratio | Property |
MSCnc | Mass or Substance Concentration | Property |
MTH | Mouth/Throat | Challenge route |
Multi | “Multi” | Scale |
Nar | Narrative | Scale |
Naric | Number Aeric (number per area) | Property |
NCHC | Norwalk Community Health Center Screening Tool | Method |
NCnc | Number Concentration (count/vol) | Property |
NCncRange | Number Concentration (count/vol) Range | Property |
NCnt | Number Content = Count/Mass | Property |
NEMSIS | National EMS Information System data | Class |
NEONAT | Neonatology variables | Class |
NEURO | Neurology | Class |
Neut | Virus Neutralization | Method |
NFr | Number Fraction | Property |
NFr.DF | Decimal number fraction | Property |
NG | Nasogastric | Challenge route |
NIH.COGNITIVE | NIH Toolbox Cognitive Domain | Class |
NIH.MOTOR | NIH Toolbox Motor Domain | Class |
NIH.SENSORY | NIH Toolbox Sensory Domain | Class |
NIPS | Neonatal Infant Pain Scale | Method, Class |
Nom | Nominal | Scale |
NOS | not otherwise specified | Component |
NP | Nasal Prongs | Challenge route |
Nph | Naspopharynx | System |
NPP | Non-physician practitioner | Part description |
NR STATS | Normal range statistics | Class |
NRat | Number=Count/Time | Property |
NRS | Nutritional Risk Screening | Method |
NRto | Number Ratio | Property |
NS | Nasal | Challenge route |
NT | Nasotrachial Tube | Challenge route |
Num | Number | Property |
NumDiff | Number Difference | Property |
NumRange | Number Range | Property |
NUTRITION&DIETETICS | Nutrition and Dietetics | Class |
OB.US | Obstetric ultrasound | Class |
OBGYN | Obstetric/Gynecology | Class |
OD | Optical Density | Property |
ODI | Oswestry Disability Index | Method |
OES | Optical Emission Spectrometry | Method |
OP | Ophthalmic | Challenge route |
Ord | Ordinal | Scale |
OrdQn | Quantitative or Ordinal | Scale |
Osmol | Osmolality | Property |
OT | Otic | Challenge route |
OTH | Other/Miscellaneous | Challenge route |
PANEL.ABXBACT | Antibiotic susceptibility panel | Class |
PANEL.ADMIN | Administrative information panel | Class |
PANEL.ALLERGY | Allergy panel | Class |
PANEL.APTA | American Physical Therapy Association panel | Class |
PANEL.ART | Antiretroviral therapy order set | Class |
PANEL.ATTACH.MOD | Modifier attachment panel | Class |
PANEL.BDYTMP | Body temperature order set | Class |
PANEL.BLDBK | Blood bank panel | Class |
PANEL.BLDBK.GENOTYPE | Blood bank genotyping panel | Class |
PANEL.BP | Blood pressure order set | Class |
PANEL.CARDIAC | Cardiology panel | Class |
PANEL.CELLMARK | Cell marker panel | Class |
PANEL.CHAL | Challenge panel | Class |
PANEL.CHEM | Chemistry panel | Class |
PANEL.CLIN | Clinical NEC (not elsewhere classified) set | Class |
PANEL.CLIN.RISK | Clinical risk panel | Class |
PANEL.COAG | Coagulation panel | Class |
PANEL.CV | Cardiovascular panel | Class |
PANEL.DEVICES | Medical device panel | Class |
PANEL.DOC | Document panel | Class |
PANEL.DRUG/TOX | Drug level & Toxicology panel | Class |
PANEL.ED | Emergency (DEEDS) order set | Class |
PANEL.EYE | Ophthalmology panel | Class |
PANEL.EYE.SPECULAR MICROSCOPY | Specular microscopy panel | Class |
PANEL.FERT | Fertility testing panel | Class |
PANEL.FUNCTION | Function order set | Class |
PANEL.H&P | History & Physical order set | Class |
PANEL.HEDIS | Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set panel | Class |
PANEL.HEM/BC | Hematology & blood count panel | Class |
PANEL.HL7.CCDA | HL7 Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture set | Class |
PANEL.HL7.CYTOGEN | HL7 cytogenetics panel | Class |
PANEL.HL7.GENETICS | HL7 genetics panel | Class |
PANEL.HLA | HLA panel | Class |
PANEL.HNA | HNA panel | Class |
PANEL.HPA | HPA panel | Class |
PANEL.IEEE ROSETTA | IEEE Rosetta panel | Class |
PANEL.IO | Input/Output panel | Class |
PANEL.MEDS | Medication panel | Class |
PANEL.MICRO | Microbiology panel | Class |
PANEL.MISC | Miscellaneous panel | Class |
PANEL.MOLPATH | Molecular pathology panel | Class |
PANEL.MOLPATH.PHARMG | Pharmacogenomics panel | Class |
PANEL.NEMSIS | National EMS Information System data set | Class |
PANEL.NEONAT | Neonatal measure panel | Class |
PANEL.NEURO | Neurology panel | Class |
PANEL.NIH.COGNITIVE | NIH Toolbox Cognitive Domain panel | Class |
PANEL.NIH.MOTOR | NIH Toolbox Motor Domain panel | Class |
PANEL.NIH.SENSORY | NIH Toolbox Sensory Domain panel | Class |
PANEL.NUTRITION&DIET | Nutrition and dietetics panel | Class |
PANEL.OB.US | Obstetrical panel | Class |
PANEL.OBS | Obstetrics panel | Class |
PANEL.ONCO | Oncology panel | Class |
PANEL.PATH | Pathology panel | Class |
PANEL.PATIENT SAFETY | Patient safety order set | Class |
PANEL.PHENX | PhenX panel | Class |
PANEL.PHR | Personal health record panel | Class |
PANEL.PULM | Pulmonary panel | Class |
PANEL.RAD | Radiology panel | Class |
PANEL.SERO | Serology panel | Class |
PANEL.SPEC | Specimen set | Class |
PANEL.SURG | Surgery panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.AAOS | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.ACT | Asthma Control Test (ACT) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.ADVAULT | ADVault survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.ALSFRSR | ALS Functional Rating Scale - Revised set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.AMNART | American National Adult Reading Test (AmNART) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.BADS | Brief Anxiety and Depression Scale set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.BCAT | Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.BDI | Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.BIMS | Brief Interview for Mental Health Status (BIMS) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.BPI | Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.BRIEF | BRIEF Health Literacy Screening Tool set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CAM | Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CARE | Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CAS | Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CBS-8 | Columbia Behavior Scale for Dementia panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CDC | Centers for Disease Control (CDC) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CESD | Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CESD) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CNPI | Checklist of nonverbal pain indicators panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.COMI | Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.COOP | Dartmouth Cooperative Functional Status Test (COOP) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CoVSocEcon | SARS-CoV-2 Related Socioeconomic Questionnaire panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.CSSRS | Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.DAST | Drug Abuse Screening Test set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.DUKE-AD | Duke Anxiety Depression Scale (DUKE-AD) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.EPDS | Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) facility survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.GDS | Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.GNHLTH | General Health survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.GPCOG | General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HABC | Healthy Aging Brain Care (HABC) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HAQ | Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HARK | Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, and Kick (HARK) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HHCC | Home Health Care Classification set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HHS | Department of Health and Human Services set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HITS | HITS Survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.HIV-SSC | Signs and Symptoms checklist for persons living with HIV set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.howRu | howRu outcomes instrument set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.IPAQ | International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.LKSS | Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.LIV-HIV | Living with HIV set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.MDS | Minimum Data Set for Nursing Home Resident Assessment and Care Screening set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.MFS | Morse Fall Scale set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.MLHFQ | Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.MTLHLTH | Mental Health survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NEURO | Neurological survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NEUROQ | Quality of Life Outcomes in Neurological Disorders (NeuroQol) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NIH.EMO | NIH Toolbox Emotion Domain panels | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NMMDS | Nursing Management Minimum Data set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NORTON | Norton Scale survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NPASS | Neonatal Pain, Agitation and Sedation Scale set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.NSRAS | Neonatal Skin Risk Assessment Scale survey | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.OASIS | Outcome and Assessment Information Survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.OMAHA | OMAHA survey set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.OPTIMAL | Outpatient Physical Therapy Improvement in Movement a Assessment Log set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PAS | Patient Activity Scale (PAS) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PASII | Patient Activity Scale II (PAS-II) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PCORI | Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PCORNET | Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network (PCORnet) Common Data Model (CDM) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PEG | Pain intensity, Enjoyment of life, General activity (PEG) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PHQ | Patient Health Questionnaire set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PNDS | Perioperative Nursing Data Set panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PRAPARE | Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients Assets Risks and Experiences (PRAPARE) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PROMIS | Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement System set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.PROWL | Patient-reported outcomes with LASIK panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.QAM | Quality Audit Marker set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.QRDA | Quality Health Reporting Document Architecture set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.RFC | Residual Functional Capacity set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.RMDQ | Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.R-OUTCOMES | R-Outcomes Survey panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.RUDAS | Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.SDOH | Social determinants of health set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.SEEK | Safe Environment for Every Kid | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.SKINDEX | Skindex set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.SOFA | Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.SLP | Speech-language pathology panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.USSGFHT | United States Surgeon General Family Health Tool (USSGFHT) set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.WELLRX | WellRX Questionnaire set | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.TAPS | Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications and other Substance panel | Class |
PANEL.TIMP | Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) set | Class |
PANEL.TRAUMA | Trauma panel | Class |
PANEL.TUMRRGT | Tumor registry panel | Class |
PANEL.UA | Urinalysis panel | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.UNMETHELNEED | Unmet Health Need | Class |
PANEL.SURVEY.WHYMPI | West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory | Class |
PANEL.UPDRS | Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) set | Class |
PANEL.US.URO | Urology ultrasound panel | Class |
PANEL.VACCIN | Vaccination panel | Class |
PANEL.VITALS | Vital signs panel | Class |
PATH | Pathology | Class |
PATH.HISTO | Histology | Class |
PATH.PROTOCOLS.BRST | Pathology protocols - breast | Class |
PATH.PROTOCOLS.GENER | Pathology protocols - general | Class |
PATH.PROTOCOLS.PROST | Pathology protocols - prostate | Class |
PATH.PROTOCOLS.SKIN | Pathology protocols - skin | Class |
PATIENT SAFETY | Patient safety | Class |
PCFS | Post Covid-19 Functional Status | Method |
PctDiff | Percent Difference | Property |
Pericard fld | Pericardial fluid | System |
Periton fld | Peritoneal fluid /ascites | System |
PF | Perfusion | Challenge route |
PFOS | perfluorooctane sulfonic acid | Component |
PHENX | PhenX | Class |
Placent | Placenta | System |
Plas | Plasma | System |
Plr fld | Pleural fluid (thoracentesis fld) | System |
Pn | Person Name | Property |
PNDS | Perioperative Nursing Data Set | Method |
PO | Oral | Challenge route |
PPP | Platelet poor plasma | System |
PPres | Pressure (partial) | Property |
PPresDiff | Difference in Partial Pressure | Property |
PPresRto | Partial Pressure Ratio | Property |
PR | Rectal | Challenge route |
Prctl | Percentile | Property |
Pres | Pressure | Property |
PresRat | Pressure Rate | Property |
PresRto | Pressure Ratio | Property |
PressDiff | Difference | Property |
Prid | Presence or Identity | Property |
Procedure dur | Duration of the procedure (surgery, etc.) | Timing |
PROWL | Patient-reported outcomes with LASIK | Method |
PRP | Platelet rich plasma | System |
PrThr | Presence or Threshold | Property |
Pt | To identify measures at a point in time. This is a synonym for “spot” or “random” as applied to urine measurements. | Timing |
PT+CT perf | PT+CT.perfusion | Method |
PUBLICHEALTH | Public Health | Class |
PULM | Pulmonary ventilator management | Class |
pVNT | Pseudovirus Neutralization | Method |
Qn | Quantitative | Scale |
RAD | Radiology | Class |
RAST | Radioallergosorbent test | Method |
RatDiff | Rate Difference | Property |
RBC | Erythrocytes | System |
RBCCo | Red Blood Cells Cord | System |
RelACnc | Relative Arbitrary Concentration | Property |
RelCCnc | Relative Catalytic Concentration | Property |
RelEngRat | Relative Power | Property |
RelFldConduct | Relative Fluid Conductance | Property |
RelFldResist | Relative Fluid Resistance | Property |
RelInvVI | Relative Inverse Volume Inspired | Property |
RelMCnc | Relative Mass Concentration | Property |
RelMRat | Relative Mass Rate | Property |
RelRto | Relative Ratio | Property |
RelSCnc | Relative Substance Concentration | Property |
RelSoundInt | Relative Sound Intensity | Property |
RelSRat | Relative Substance Rate | Property |
RelTime | Relative Time | Property |
RelVol | Relative Volume | Property |
RelVRat | Relative Volume Rate | Property |
Resis | Resistance | Property |
RESP.ATOM | Respiratory atomic | Class |
Resp.lower | Lower respiratory | System |
RESP.MOLEC | Respiratory molecular | Class |
RESP.TIMED.MOLEC | Respiratory timed molecular | Class |
REVEAL | Registry to Evaluate Early and Long-Term PAH Disease Management | Method |
RF | Radiofluoroscopy | Method |
RFLP | Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism | Method |
RFLP.rRNA | Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism on rRNA | Method |
RIA | Radioimmunoassay | Method |
RM | Rebreather Mask | Challenge route |
RMDQ | Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire | Method |
RNA | ribonucleic acid | Component |
RPR | Rapid Plasma Reagin | Method |
RptPeriod | Reporting period | Timing |
rRNA | ribosomal ribonucleic acid | Component |
RT-QuIC | Real-time quaking-induced conversion | Method |
RUDAS | Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale | Method |
SatFr | Saturation Fraction | Property |
SBT | Serum Bacterial Titer | Method |
SC | Subcutaneous | Challenge route |
SCnc | Substance Concentration | Property |
SCncDiff | Difference in Substance Concentration | Property |
SCncSq | Substance Concentration Squared | Property |
SCnt | Substance Content | Property |
ScoreDiff | Score Difference | Property |
ScoreRange | Score range | Property |
SD | Soaked Dressing | Challenge route |
SDOM | Standard Dermatology Outcome Measures | Method |
SemiQn | Semiquantitative | Scale |
Seq | Nucleotide Sequence | Property |
Ser | Serum | System |
SERO | Serology (antibodies and most antigens except blood bank and infectious agents) | Class |
Set | Set | Scale |
SFr | Substance Fraction | Property |
SFr.DF | Decimal Substance Fraction | Property |
SKNFLD.MOLEC | Skinfold measurements molecular | Class |
SL | Sublingual | Challenge route |
SOFA | Sequential Organ Failure Assessment | Method |
SPEC | Specimen characteristics | Class |
SPR | Surface plasmon resonance | Method |
Sptt | Sputum - tracheal aspirate | System |
SRat | Substance Rate | Property |
SRto | Substance Ratio | Property |
Stdy | Duration of the study | Timing |
Sub | Substance Amount | Property |
SPR | Surface Plasmon Resonance | Method |
SURG | Surgery | Class |
SURVEY.AAOS | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) survey | Class |
SURVEY.ACT | Asthma Control Test (ACT) | Class |
SURVEY.ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Class |
SURVEY.ADVAULT | ADVault survey | Class |
SURVEY.AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) survey | Class |
SURVEY.ALP | RAND 2020 American Life Panel Survey on Impacts of COVID-19 | Class |
SURVEY.ALSFRSR | ALS Functional Rating Scale - Revised | Class |
SURVEY.AMNART | American National Adult Reading Test (AmNART) | Class |
SURVEY.BADS | Brief Anxiety and Depression Scale (BADS) | Class |
SURVEY.BCAT | Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool (BCAT) | Class |
SURVEY.BDI | Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) | Class |
SURVEY.BPI | Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) | Class |
SURVEY.BRIEF | BRIEF Survey | Class |
SURVEY.CARE | Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) survey | Class |
SURVEY.CAS | Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) | Class |
SURVEY.CBS-8 | Columbia Behavior Scale for Dementia survey | Class |
SURVEY.CDC | Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey | Class |
SURVEY.CERNER | Cerner survey | Class |
SURVEY.CESD | Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CESD) survey | Class |
SURVEY.CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) survey | Class |
SURVEY.CNPI | Checklist of nonverbal pain indicators survey | Class |
SURVEY.COMI | Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) | Class |
SURVEY.COOP | Dartmouth Cooperative Functional Status Test (COOP) | Class |
SURVEY.CoVSocEcon | SARS-CoV-2 Related Socioeconomic Questionnaire survey | Class |
SURVEY.CSSRS | Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS) | Class |
SURVEY.DAST | Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) | Class |
SURVEY.DUKE-AD | Duke Anxiety Depression Scale (DUKE-AD) | Class |
SURVEY.EPDS | Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) | Class |
SURVEY.ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) facility survey | Class |
SURVEY.GDS | Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) survey | Class |
SURVEY.GNHLTH | General Health survey | Class |
SURVEY.GPCOG | General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) | Class |
SURVEY.HABC | Healthy Aging Brain Care (HABC) survey | Class |
SURVEY.HAQ | Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) | Class |
SURVEY.HARK | Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, and Kick (HARK) | Class |
SURVEY.HITS | HITS Survey | Class |
SURVEY.HHS | Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) survey | Class |
SURVEY.howRu | howRu outcomes instrument survey | Class |
SURVEY.HWS | Healthy Weight Summary (HWS) | Class |
SURVEY.IPAQ | International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) | Class |
SURVEY.LKSS | Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale survey | Class |
SURVEY.MDS | Minimum Data Set (MDS) for Nursing Home Resident Assessment and Care Screening survey | Class |
SURVEY.MFS | Morse Fall Scale (MFS) survey | Class |
SURVEY.MISC | Miscellaneous survey | Class |
SURVEY.MLHFQ | Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) | Class |
SURVEY.MTLHLTH | Mental Health survey | Class |
SURVEY.NEI | National Eye Institute survey | Class |
SURVEY.NEURO | Neurological survey | Class |
SURVEY.NEUROQ | Quality of Life Outcomes in Neurological Disorders (NeuroQol) survey | Class |
SURVEY.NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) | Class |
SURVEY.NHCS | National Health Care Survey (NHCS) | Class |
SURVEY.NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse | Class |
SURVEY.NIH_TOOLBOX | NIH Toolbox survey | Class |
SURVEY.NIH.EMO | NIH Toolbox Emotion Domain | Class |
SURVEY.NMMDS | Nursing Management Minimum Data Survey (NMMDS) | Class |
SURVEY.NORTON | Norton Scale survey | Class |
SURVEY.NPASS | Neonatal Pain, Agitation and Sedation Scale | Class |
SURVEY.NSRAS | Neonatal Skin Risk Assessment Scale (NSRAS) | Class |
SURVEY.NURSE.HHCC | Home Health Care Classification (HHCC) survey | Class |
SURVEY.NURSE.HIV-SSC | Signs and Symptoms Checklist (SSC) for persons living with HIV survey | Class |
SURVEY.NURSE.LIV-HIV | Living with HIV survey | Class |
SURVEY.NURSE.QAM | Quality Audit Marker (QAM) survey | Class |
SURVEY.OASIS | Outcome and Assessment Information Survey (OASIS) | Class |
SURVEY.OPTIMAL | Outpatient Physical Therapy Improvement in Movement and Assessment Log (OPTIMAL) | Class |
SURVEY.PAS | Patient Activity Scale (PAS) | Class |
SURVEY.PASII | Patient Activity Scale II (PAS-II) | Class |
SURVEY.PCORNET | Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network (PCORnet) Common Data Model (CDM) | Class |
SURVEY.PEG | Pain intensity, Enjoyment of life, General activity (PEG) | Class |
SURVEY.PHQ | Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) | Class |
SURVEY.PNDS | Perioperative Nursing Data Set survey | Class |
SURVEY.PRAPARE | Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients Assets Risks and Experiences (PRAPARE) | Class |
SURVEY.PROMIS | Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement System (PROMIS) survey | Class |
SURVEY.PROWL | Patient-reported outcomes with LASIK survey | Class |
SURVEY.QRDA | Quality Health Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) survey | Class |
SURVEY.R-OUTCOMES | R-Outcomes Survey | Class |
SURVEY.RFC | Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) survey | Class |
SURVEY.RMDQ | Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire survey | Class |
SURVEY.RUDAS | Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale survey | Class |
SURVEY.SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) survey | Class |
SURVEY.SDOH | Social Determinants of Health | Class |
SURVEY.SEEK | Safe Environment for Every Kid | Class |
SURVEY.SKINDEX | Skindex | Class |
SURVEY.SLP | Speech-language pathology survey | Class |
SURVEY.SOFA | Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) | Class |
SURVEY.TAPS | Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications and other Substance tool | Class |
SURVEY.UNMETHELNEED | Unmet Health Need | Class |
SURVEY.USSGFHT | United States Surgeon General Family Health Tool (USSGFHT) survey | Class |
SURVEY.WELLRX | WellRX Questionnaire | Class |
Susc | Susceptibility | Property |
Synv fld | Synovial fluid (Joint fluid) | System |
TAPS | Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications, and other Substance use assessment | Method |
TD | Transdermal | Challenge route |
Tele | Telephone Number | Property |
Temp | Temperature | Property |
TempDiff | Temperature Difference | Property |
ThrACnc | Threshold Arbitrary Concentration | Property |
ThreshNum | Threshold Number | Property |
ThrMCnc | Threshold Mass Concentration | Property |
ThrSCnc | Threshold Substance Concentration | Property |
Thrt | Throat | System |
Tigi | Tissue large intestine | System |
TimeDif | Difference in Time Duration | Property |
TimeFr | Time Fraction | Property |
TIMP | Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) survey | Class |
Tiss | Tissue, unspecified | System |
TissCo | Cord Tissue | System |
Titr | Dilution Factor (Titer) | Property |
TL | Translingual | Challenge route |
TmElpot | Time Electrical Potential | Property |
TmMCnc | Time mass concentration | Property |
TmSCnc | Time substance concentration | Property |
TmStp | Time Stamp—Date and Time | Property |
TmStpRange | Time Stamp Range | Property |
TP | Topical | Challenge route |
TQ2 | Timing Quantity 2 | Property |
TRA | Tracheostomy | Challenge route |
TRH | Thyrotropin-releasing hormone | Challenge route |
TRNSPLNT.ORGAN | Organ transplant | Class |
TRto | Time Ratio | Property |
Tscore | T Score | Property |
TscoreDiff | T Score Difference | Property |
Tsmi | Tissue small intestine | System |
TUMRRGT | Tumor registry (NAACCR) | Class |
Txt | Text | Property |
UA | Urinalysis | Class |
Ulc | Ulcer | System |
Unk sub | Unknown substance | System |
UPDRS | Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) | Class |
UR | Urethral | Challenge route |
Urethra | Urethra | System |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | Property |
Urine sed | Urine sediment | System |
US | Ultrasound | Method |
US.URO | Urological ultrasound | Class |
VACCIN | Vaccinations | Class |
Vag | Vagina | System |
VAP | Vertical Auto Profile | Method |
VC | Visual Count | Method |
VCF | Variant Call File | Property |
VCnt | Volume Content | Property |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory | Method |
Vel | Velocity | Property |
VelRat | Velocity Rate | Property |
VelRto | Velocity Ratio | Property |
VFr | Volume Fraction | Property |
VFr.DF | Volume Decimal Fraction | Property |
VFrDiff | Difference in Volume Fraction | Property |
VG | Vaginal | Challenge route |
Visc | Viscosity | Property |
Vitr fld | Vitreous Fluid | System |
VM | Ventimask | Challenge route |
Vol | Volume | Property |
VOLUME.MOLEC | Volume (specimen) molecular | Class |
VPctDiff | Percent Volume Difference | Property |
VRat | Volume Rate | Property |
VRatCnt | Volume Rate Content | Property |
VRatRto | Volume Rate Ratio | Property |
VRto | Volume Ratio | Property |
VRtoPctDiff | Percent Volume Ratio Difference | Property |
WBC | Leukocytes | System |
WHOQOL_BREF | WHO Quality of life-BREF | Method |
WND | Wound | Challenge route |
Xad | Extended Address | Property |
XR.3D | X-ray 3 dimensional | Method |
XXX | Not specified | Timing; System |
XXX^min | Unspecified time minimum | Timing |
Zscore | Z Score | Property |