This section last updated: 2020-05-19 (5 years ago)
Since its inception, LOINC has been developed as an open standard. We welcome requests for new terms! Submissions from LOINC users have helped us grow and adapt quickly. Likewise, we welcome suggestions for changes to existing terms or other enhancements like additional synonyms or term descriptions.
Regenstrief balances the desire to respond quickly to new term submissions with the review processes necessary for a high quality standard. We can only be quick if the requesters provide clearand comprehensive information about the terms they are submitting. A list of information required for a submission is provided below.
New requests are often for variations on observations we already have in the database. For example, there may be an existing term for a particular test result with serum as the specimen (system) and a user requests an identical term for a specimen of gastric contents. With the supporting information, these kinds of requests are usually straightforward.
Prior to submitting your request, please check the online LOINC Submissions Queue to see if a similar or equivalent term has already been requested.
Even when requesters provide complete information with their submission, some requests require discussion and decision by the LOINC Committee before Regenstrief completes them. These kinds of requests are for things like:
Please note that we tend to avoid the use of methods for chemistry tests. We will not routinely accept requests for method-specific chemistry tests. Only in very special circumstances will we distinguish among analytic methods in chemistry. We do distinguish microbiology, serology, and coagulation tests by method type. Even here, however, we do not distinguish every variation in method. Look in the body of this User’s guide for information about the kinds of distinctions that we make.
Note that our policy is to allow both method-vague (no method) as well as method-specific measures in serology (measures of Ab and Ag), and in antibiotic susceptibility testing.
Please pay special attention to submissions that include the system of serum or plasma alone. For most chemical analyses there is no important clinical difference between the values obtained from serum and those obtained from plasma, and we would like to represent them in the database as Ser/Plas to indicate our indifference to the distinction. Unfortunately, many requesters of new terms define their request in terms of the one that they happen to use (e.g., serum or plasma) without telling us that the measure can really be done on either serum or plasma. Most such requests should be for Ser/Plas as the system (sample). If the measurement MUST be done on either serum or plasma, please scientifically justify your request and send documentation; otherwise you will greatly delay our response to your submission.
Survey instrument content has some additional complexity. If the instrument is copyrighted by a third party, Regenstrief will need to obtain permission prior to being able to model it in LOINC. In general, new LOINC terms are required for questions or variables that have different enumerated answer lists.
The information you provide about your local test/measurement and how it is used is more important than the proposed LOINC name you come up with. Having complete information on what your local test is makes the review process much smoother and helps us create clear term definitions as well as verifying and enhancing other accessory content, which benefits everyone. The kinds of information we need does vary a bit depending on the type of content (lab, radiology, document titles, survey questionnaires, etc.), so not all items are applicable all of the time.
There are three possible ways to make your request, including: the online request form, RELMA's built in functions, or one of the spreadsheet templates available on the LOINC web site.
For most users, we recommend using the online request form. Regardless of format, we ask that users submit no more than 50 proposed terms at a time.
The set of information required for a particular submission depends on the content of the request. In order for us to process your request, we need:
New LOINC terms can be requested directly from the LOINC website using the online request form. The request form can build a set of requested terms by entering the required information for each term and/or by uploading a spreadsheet file with the required fields. Requested terms and supporting information are sent to Regenstrief, and users can review the status of their submissions from the My Submissions section of the LOINC website.
The RELMA program can aid you in creating submissions by allowing you to create, manage and store submission terms in a way that is similar to how the program creates, manages and stores local working sets. With RELMA, you can create terms for submission over time and submit groups of terms in batches. The program will track when the term was created and the date when you submitted the term. The program will help you organize the terms that you create and it will automate the process of creating the submission files.
For detailed instructions on how to use the RELMA propose a term feature, please see Appendix A of the RELMA manual. You can download the RELMA Manual from the LOINC website.
If you are not using RELMA for submission, please use one of the templates provided on our website.
Other formats (e.g., distributed database fields, exported internal/local formats) will not be accepted.
Please email your submission template and related documents to
Within a day or two of receipt of your file, you will receive a confirmation email and the submission process will be underway. You may receive additional communication from Regenstrief with requests for further information if required.
You can follow the progress of your requested terms as it progresses through the review process by visiting the LOINC Submissions Queue.
Once the submission process has completed, you will receive files containing your requested codes.